Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Beauty Tips Part 2

Hello, friends! Being the beauty blogger I am, I have acquired some tips that will make your life so much easier as far as beauty goes. Let's do a bit of show and tell today. I did a post like this one a while back which I will link right here, if you want to go see it. 
  Know that I'm not an expert, but I have learned some things over the years that have helped me with my beauty routine, and hopefully they will help you, as well.

  1. Wet your beauty sponge before applying foundation. This prevents the sponge from absorbing too much product.
  2. Wash your face in the shower last. Notice that when you shampoo your hair, the shampoo runs over your face when you rinse it. This can clog your pores and break you out. Wash your face last in the shower to remove all of that residue.
  3. Blot then powder your face. When doing a touch up on your makeup, blot the excess oils before powdering. This will give you a cleaner look, while also keeping you matte longer.
  4. Don't smile too big when applying blush to the cheeks. Smiling while applying blush can actually make you look older.
  5. When doing your brows, applying a lighter brow shade to the front of the eyebrow and a darker shade towards the tail. This makes the eyebrows look more natural. Don't forget to run a spoolie through them to blend out the powder.
  6. When doing an elaborate eyeshadow look, do that first, then apply face makeup. Any fall out from your eyeshadow will be masked underneath the makeup, so you don't have to worry about that dirty look. When applying eyeshadow, you can also place a tissue under your eye to catch fallout.
  7. Apply Vaseline on your wrists and behind you ears before spraying on perfume. This will help the perfume last longer.
  8. No lipliner? No problem! Use the tip of your lipstick to carefully rim your lips before filling them in as usual.
  9. Exfoliate a couple times a week to remove any dead skin cells that may have built up on your face. This doesn't need to be done every day. Start in your T-Zone and work the product out to the rest of your face.
  10. Remove your makeup and exfoliate after working out in makeup. Your sweat combined with the makeup will cause you to break out. You can look done up while working out, just take care of your skin.
-Love Ling

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