Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Day!

Hello, friends! I would like to apologize for not posting for a few days. The past couple of days have been crazy busy, and I haven't had time to sit down and blog. It's bad, I know. Today's post is going to be a review of what I did today, so let's get started! 

  I woke up a 9:30, as planned, but unfortunately fell back asleep. When I awoke, it was 12 o'clock and I was mad. I hate waking up late on the weekends. It feels like missed half the day! After waking up, I drove out to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients to make sausage balls for church tomorrow. This was the morning when I decided that I wanted to dress fashionably to go to the grocery store, so I got some weird looks from sneaker-clad moms as I strutted down the aisles in my sandal wedges and Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses. Sometimes you just have those days. 
  After going to the grocery store, I drove out to Taco Bell and got myself some lunch. I was ecstatic to finally be able to go there. I've been craving it all week. If you are wondering, I got the Crunch Wrap Supreme, which was absolutely amazing. My philosophy with Taco Bell is that as long as you don't think about what you're eating and you don't look at it, it's fine.
  I spent the rest of the morning catching up on the Carrie diaries and eating my crunch wrap. At about 3 o'clock, my best friend, Savannah, picked me up for a day of bonding and shopping. Our first stop was Plato's Closet, a consignment shop where I was able to sell some dresses. I ended up buying entirely more than I planned to, but I did need summer clothes. A summer clothing and beauty haul shall be coming your way shortly.
  After Plato's, we went to Kohls where I had some shorts to exchange. There, I got some makeup brushes and a dress for my sister, spending the entirety of my Kohls cash. By that time, the shopping was getting to us and we stopped at Starbucks for a little pick-me-up. I got a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher and Sav got a Caramel Flan Frap. That place just gets us.
  Savannah dropped me back off at my house and I spent the rest of the day chilling and lounging around. Towards the evening, I made those sausage balls, which turned out to be quite delicious. They were difficult to make, though, because I had to mix the sausage, cheese, flour, and water with my hands. Let me tell you, that stuff was cold! My hands were freezing the entire time!
  The rest of the night, I worked on some work and hung around the house. It was a pretty un-extraordinary day, but I did find that I had a lot of fun getting to hang with my friend and family.

-Love Ling

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