Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tips For High Schoolers: Life

  Hello, friends! Now that school is coming around the corner, it's time to get back into the swing of academia. For those of you coming into high school for the first time or those of you who feel like they are struggling in school, I have comprised a collection of blog posts that will hopefully get you through the year. Now, I'm no expert on high school, but I do feel as if I learned quite a few things throughout my experiences.

  1. First day: The first day of school is nerve-wracking for everyone. The best advice I can give you is just to go with the flow. Relax. I will warn you that the first day back to school is going to be hectic. People are not only going to be sleep deprived, but also anxious and struggling to get to their new classes. Don't be overwhelmed by all of this. In a couple days, you will know the flow of this school like the back of your hand.
  2. Remember to always be nice. Always. When someone drops something, pick it up for them. 
  3. Go to football games! They're so fun and part of the high school experience!
  4. Join clubs! I met so many amazing people by joining clubs. Don't worry about what other people will think of you if you join a certain club. Just try it out, see what it's like. I'm sure there will be at least one person you will connect with and BOOM! new friend.
  5. If you are an incoming freshman, I suggest packing a lunch the first day. Lunch time is one of the scariest moments of coming back to school, as there's this anxiety about who you're going to sit with. Having to worry about buying lunch and sitting somewhere is too much to handle in one day. Pack it, young grasshopper.
  6. Turn in all of your assignments and do all of your work. If you don't, it will get counted as a zero. Don't delay the homework your teacher gives you the night before. Do it. Teachers can be unpredictable and you never know when they will decide to take something for a grade.
  7. Don't be afraid to speak up, especially in class. It's easy to be a recluse who just wants to make it through the day, but you'll find your experience so much more enjoyable if you participate. Don't be afraid to ask/answer questions in class. Not only will you grow in a relationship with your teacher, but you will also become noticed in a positive way in the class.
  8. Be yourself. I can't say this enough. High schoolers are so insecure about what they look like, what people think of them, etc. Don't worry about what other people think of you and just do what you want. Truth be told, they're probably more concerned about themselves than they are about what you do. 
  9. Challenge yourself. Don't be afraid to try new things.
  10. Always have a book on handy. If you're caught in that awkward moment when you find yourself alone, mask your insecurity with a book.
  11. Always do the extra credit! Always! 
I hope these tips helped! Now go to school and rock it! If you have any questions that you want answered, don't be afraid to leave them in the comments section below or by emailing me.

-Love Ling

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