Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Things That Make Me Happy: Part 3

Hello, friends! Long time no talk! I was on vacation with my family last week, so that delayed my blogging a bit, but we should be back on track now. You guys know how important happiness is to me. Above anything else, the most important thing to me is to be happy. Here are some things that make me happy, and I will leave part 1 and 2 below.

Things That Make Me Happy Part 1
Things That Make Me Happy Part 2

  1. New Girl: New Girl is my favorite show in the whole world. If you don't watch it, you seriously need to. It's so witty and absolutely hilarious. It definitely makes me happy.
  2. Desserts: Desserts make me so happy. How can you pass up the opportunity to eat something sweet? Give me some cheesecake and I'll be a happy girl.
  3. Random Acts of Kindness: I love helping people, especially if it's just random. I mean, helping my family do things is fine, but I love being in public and helping out a stranger. It makes me really happy.
  4. People Who Let Me Merge Into Their Lane: Driving can be really stressful. I'll admit it. Whenever I have to merge into another lane, I get a bit nervous, especially when the roads are busy. What makes me happy is when some blessed person lets me in and  I don't have to sit in the car like an idiot waiting for someone to let me in. For those of you who have road courtesy, bless you.
  5. Learning: I love learning new things. I know a good amount of stuff, but I want to know so much more. I want to know how things work, how people work, why something does something. Whenever I get a chance to learn something new and expand my knowledge, it makes me really happy.
  6. Iced Coffee: There's nothing better than waking up in the morning and treating myself to a nice,refreshing cup of iced coffee. It's so much better to drink in the summer, because it really cools me down. Hot coffee is for every other season, iced coffee is for the summer.
  7. Sunshine: I hate rain. I hate it so much. I know a lot of people like how cozy it is, but I much prefer the sun. I love the way that it lights up the world and makes everything seem much happier. 
  8. Food: Food is literally one of my favorite things in the whole world. Not only do I love trying new flavors and just enjoying eating, I feel like food brings people together. It's something that everyone needs and it's a great social medium. People really bond over it. Food makes me so happy.
  9. Driving: When I know where I'm going, I love driving. I like knowing that I am the source of my own transportation and it really relaxes me. Driving is fun (when people let me in their lane).
  10. Singing: I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I love singing. It's my all time favorite thing to do. I probably sing to much, but that's okay, because it makes me so gosh darn happy.
Alright, guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Rather than thinking about what you don't like, focus on the things that make you happy. It's so much more fun.

-Love Ling

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