Monday, June 23, 2014

How to be Happy :)

 Hello, friends! Beautiful creatures of this planet! Participants in the human race! It's time to get into some deep stuff. Today, I'm going to give you some tips on how to be happy. Of course, I'm the expert on happiness. I'm excited, joyous, and bubbly every day, because it's a big, bright, beautiful world, and there's never any reason to frown! Am I right?! Am I right?! Let's get something straight, friends. I'm not the expert on happiness. I don't know much about the brain signals, hormones, and psychology that goes into happiness, but I do know some things I do that improve my mood and make me happier. Therefore! If you are finding yourself in the dumps or having one of those days where you feel like the world just hates you, here are some tips on how to be happier. 

  1. Go outside!: It's so much more fun to be outside enjoying the sunshine than it is to be stuck inside watching Netflix. Hard to believe, I know! Though the world isn't bright and beautiful all the time, going outside and getting some fresh air will give you a clear head and improve your mood.
  2. Wear bright colors!: I love a good LBD as much as the next person, but dark clothing is a downer on the mood. Switch up your wardrobe and get some bright, vibrant colors! They're so much more fun!
  3. Treat yourself: There is a time to save and a time to splurge. If you're on a diet, have a freaking cheat day! Don't deprive yourself of indulging in something you love. What kind of life is that?! Don't be afraid to do something for you. Not for your friends, not for your body, but for you. 
  4. DANCE!: I don't care if you're a good dancer or not. I always get cheered up by blasting some pump up jams and dancing like a maniac. Try it! It's fun!
  5. Be Present: I will do a post about this later, but I enjoy life so much more when I am present. I'm not in the iPhone world, Instagram world, texting world. I am off of my phone and enjoying the people around me. That's true happiness. 
I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to be happier! Hopefully they will help improve your mood and cheer you up a bit! Have a great day!

-Love Ling

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