Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May Non-Beauty Favorites

Hello, friends! As the month of May is coming to a close, it's time to discuss my non-beauty favorites with you. The month went by extremely fast, so I'm having  a hard time remembering what I loved this month. We're just going to see how this is going to go. Enjoy!

Blogilates: I've been working out pretty much everyday this month. I've typically been doing some toning and pilates for my workouts, and I use the Blogilates YouTube channel to help me out. Not only are the videos short, but they're very effective.

Frozen Mango Chunks: I've been buying these at the grocery store lately for a healthy snack. I must say that they're pretty darn delicious and I've consumed many bags of them this month.

"Rude" by Magic!: This song has been my jam all month. It's got that reggae/pop vibe and it always puts me in a chill mood.

"The Carrie Diaries": I've finally finished the Carrie Diaries on Netflix, and I must say that I really loved the show. It was funny, adorable, and so fun to watch. I can't wait until season two comes out!

"Best Days of My Life" by American Authors: This song always puts me in a good mood and I love listening to it first thing in the morning.

"Maleficent": You guys, I just saw this movie and it was absolutely amazing. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but basically, it tells the story of Maleficent and how she came to be the way she was in the story we all know. Angelina Jolie was absolutely flawless. You need to go see it.

Alright, guys! This has been my May favorites! I hope you enjoyed them and my beauty favorites should be out in the next couple of days. It depends how efficient I am. Have an amazing June!

-Love Ling

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