Friday, March 7, 2014

My Day

  Hello, friends! I'm sure that you're ecstatic for the weekend ahead. This has been the craziest, most hectic week. Today was no less hectic. Here's how it went...
 I went through the normal motions: waking up, doing the things I needed to get done that day, going to rehearsal for the musical I'm in and going home. I swear! This musical is putting my stress level at a fever pitch! I'm literally so busy learning lines, dances, blocking, and putting it all together. If you want a post on the musical I'm currently in, let me know. Anyways! I pushed through the crazy rehearsal and finally got home. Once I was home, I had to run out the door once more to quickly go to the store and get my sister a birthday gift.
  The first place I went to was Starbucks. I needed my jiggle juice. Today I tried the Hazelnut Frappucino and I had pretty good results. It's nothing like my normal caramel frap, but it wasn't bad. After Starbucks, I made my way over to the wonderful world of Target. Raise your hand if it's your favorite store! Oh! Oh! Pick me! Whilst at Target, I gathered up some necessities for the musical. There were some costume pieces that needed to be bought. Unfortunately, my resistance to the new and shiny things around me was waning ,and I got distracted from my initial goal of shopping for my sister. I did get her a small gift there. For the sake of her expert spy skills, I won't mention what it is, because she will probably read this post. By the way, make sure you don't scream out something hilariously and slightly racist in the middle of a store. I have no filter sometimes. I apologize. Towards the end of the Target spree, I picked up a $3 skirt from the Clearance section that I seriously can't wait to wear! I'm not going to post a picture, but know that it's a circle skirt and it's green. Haha! 
  After Target, I made my way over to one of the greatest treasures in the beauty community: Ulta. I love that store. I should have you know that I'm trying to limit the amount of money I spend on beauty products. It's not easy, though, being the avid shopper I am. At Ulta, I picked up some other gifts for my sister, fake eyelashes for the musical, and a face mask. After Ulta, I made a short trip into World Market and left with yet another present for my darling sissy dear.
  By this point, I was basically starving. I indulged on the epitome of health foods: burger and fries. They just get me. After finishing up my delicious and "nutritious" meal, I commenced to the grocery store to get some ice-cream and icing. Yummalicious.
  I hope you had an slightly less chaotic day than I had! Meaning: I hope you had a good day today! Let me know if you enjoy these rants about my daily life, because it's interesting what my unfiltered brain wants my fingers to type. 
- Love Ling

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