- Simple Foaming Face Wash: While I've been traveling, I've been sweating a lot of have had a lot of exposure to dirt and gross stuff of that nature. Italy is a dusty place. Throughout all of this breakout inducing mess, this cleanser has been amazing at cleaning my face and preventing acne. It's so gentle and feels so good on the skin. It's great for sensitive skin and cleans without over drying. Obsessed!
- Venus Little Razor (That's not the name): This product is relatively new in stores, and has been a God send. It's perfect when I'm traveling, because it's so small and compact. It doesn't take up much space in my travel bag and is surprisingly easy to use. It's actually easier than a full size razor.

- Rose Bud Salve: This product has been great to just throw in my bag. It serves many purposes, but it's been great for keeping my lips moisterized. Not only that, but it smells like roses!

- Benefit "They're Real": I haven't been wearing much makeup this month, because I'm traveling and don't have time for that. I think I've worn foundation like once the entire month? For days that I do want to wear makeup, this product has been great. It volumizes wonderfully and makes my lashes look amazing. I loooove it.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I feel like y'all needed a break from all the travel stuff! August is fast approaching! Ah!
-Love Ling
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