Wander-ling: Paris, France Day 1
Hello, my friendliest of friendly friends that are my friends! How are you doing today and how has your summer been? Let me know! I want to know! Have you tried doing any of the activities I suggested in my "Summer Bucket List" post of things you can do when you're bored? If you haven't seen it, I will post a like right here. Anyways! I have arrived in the third leg of my trip to Europe this summer, which takes place in Paris, France. Today, I'm going to share with you the adventures of my first day in Paris!
Day 1: July 6
We woke up really early in the morning to catch our flight from Krakow to Warsaw and then to Paris. Pick a whole number between 3 and 3. Yes. This is when we woke up to leave in the morning.
When we finally got to our hotel, my family and I went to our room to discover that it is miniscule. There are three beds stacked together by the window and a bed in the corner three inches away from the bathroom. That's it. It's quite quaint, actually, but it will definitely be fine! After settling in, we went out walking and stumbled across the tower of Notre Dame, which is actually quite close to our hotel. It is absolutely humongous and gorgeous! I snapped a couple pictures of this great cathedral for you. We continued walking until we found a little restaurant for lunch. There, I got filet mignon (pork) covered in a mushroom sauce with fries. It was pretty darn delicious.
After lunch, we went back to the hotel for a bit until we walked back to Notre Dame to meet up with people that we're supposed to do a bike tour with. Unfortunately, it was pouring. The kind of rain that soaks not only through your jeans but hydrates your legs so much, you'll never need lotion again. That being said, our bike tour was scheduled for the next day. We continued to wander about the city and get our bearings. I love Paris so much. It's so beautiful with its rivers and big yellow buildings surrounded by little boutiques. Ah! We happened to stumble upon this macaron/chocolate shop called "Maison Georges Larnicol" and ended up getting a box of seven macarons. I was so excited, because I LOVE macarons and these were the number one thing I wanted to try in Paris. After getting these delectable treats, we walked a bit more and came to this beautiful French outdoor market selling vintage items like dresses, shoes, and jewelry.
Once we got back to the hotel, we guzzled down every single one of those macarons in about five minutes. I'd never tasted anything like it. They were gooey, yet crunchy, falling apart in your hands with one bite. God, they were delicious. We spent a couple hours in the hotel, resting until dinner time.
Once dinner time came, we walked up to Notre Dame once more and actually went in it. It was so beautiful! There was stained glass everywhere and gorgeous sculptures. Also, the architecture was unbelievable. Though there were so many people crammed in there you couldn't breathe, Notre Dame was breathtaking. After visiting this cathedral, we got dinner at a little restaurant near our hotel. You could tell it was more for the locals, because the waiter didn't speak English. I thought this was great. Anyways, I got a delicious quiche for dinner.
This pretty much sums up our first day in Paris! I'm working on my French still, but I don't look like a total idiot when I talk to people living here. They seem to be more friendly if you try to speak the language. I'm having a great time here so far, and am soaking up every second I've been blessed with in this beautiful city. Au revoir!
-Love Ling
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