What Are You Looking For?
Friday, February 28, 2014
Hello, friends! I live a very crazy life. There's always something going on that keeps me busy and on the move. I love the satisfaction of hard work and a long day. This might not be the same for everyone, but I for one like living an active life. However, having to juggle all the responsibilities I have takes a toll on my mind! I don't go crazy, but I do tend to get stressed when I am overloaded.
Now what many do not realize is that stress is actually very bad for you. Not only does it affect your mind, but also your body. As a result, one may experience headaches, weight gain, weight loss, breakouts on the face, etc. My message to you today is to try and avoid getting stressed out. Relax and live in the now. Focus on what you want to get done today, not what's to come. Don't rule out planning ahead, but don't place to much strain on your abilities. You can do great things, but you're only human, not superman. Try to take time to take care of yourself and don't force yourself to do things you know you can't handle. Live freely and avoid freaking out about a test, a project, or even work! Now, give yourself a big hug and tell yourself that you are amazing, because you are.
-Love Ling
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
February Beauty Favorites
Hello, friends! It may be hard to believe based on my most recent posts, but this is actually a beauty blog! I love sharing new and old products that I have been using, and today, I am going to be telling you about the things I have been loving for February.
Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser: I got this at the beginning of the month and I really like it. I have really oily skin, and I have noticed a significant difference. I like that it's a gel formula, but it can be lathered into a foam. I will link my review for the product below.
Chapstick Cake Batter Chapstick: I love this product, because it smells just like birthday cake! I love putting it on my lips, and it makes them very moisturized and soft.
Maybelline Eyeshadow Palette in Designer Chocolates: This palette has a ton of beautiful colors, perfect for brown eyes like mine. I love using all of the shades to create a beautiful, smokey purple look. Not only are the colors gorgeous, but they are extremely pigmented and long lasting.
Em Great Coverup Concealer: I don't know why, but I just can't get enough of this product! Believe me, anything on your face that you want covered, this concealer will do the job. It's thick, yet creamy, and blends very easily.
Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream: I have been really into light makeup lately. I have been super busy and getting to bed late, causing me to wake up late and in a hurry. I have been using this BB cream to provide light coverage. It works pretty well, but my oily skin disintegrates it within a few hours, which isn't the best.
Degree Deodorant: This may sound weird, but I have been using the mess out of this deodorant. It claims to be motion sensing, so it becomes more apparent when it senses movement. I don't know if that's true, but I really like the musky-floral scent of it, as well as its ability to last throughout the day.
Rohto Eyedrops: I wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I'm basically a zombie before I put in these amazing eyedrops, which brighten my eyes and hydrate them. It's a lot easier to put in my contacts after using this. It has a tingly-cooling sensation that instantly wakes you up. Amazing.

NYX Lip Butter in Tiramisu: I love this product! While it's slightly sticky, it feels smooth and glossy on the lips. The color is a a mauve-nude shade, perfect for springtime!
EOS Hand Cream: Where I live, it can be really cold. As a result, my hands and cuticles suffer and become really dry and crackly. I apply this hand cream throughout the day to keep my hands soft and smelling like fruit!
Revealed Palette by Coastal Scents: I just got this in the mail and I love it. It comes with a wide range of pigmented, neutral shades. Several of these are dupes for the Naked 1 AND 2 palette. Incredible! I have been playing around with this and experimenting with different looks. I'll have a review sometime soon!
Here's a link to the dupes for this palette and the Naked 1 & 2 from Beauty Broadcast Blog http://www.beautybroadcast.net/2013/12/coastal-scents-revealed-palette-naked.html
These are all my beauty favorites for this month! Check back tomorrow to see my non-beauty favorites!
-Love Ling


NYX Lip Butter in Tiramisu: I love this product! While it's slightly sticky, it feels smooth and glossy on the lips. The color is a a mauve-nude shade, perfect for springtime!

Here's a link to the dupes for this palette and the Naked 1 & 2 from Beauty Broadcast Blog http://www.beautybroadcast.net/2013/12/coastal-scents-revealed-palette-naked.html
These are all my beauty favorites for this month! Check back tomorrow to see my non-beauty favorites!
-Love Ling
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
How to Deal After a Breakup
Hello, friends! Here is another post in my Break up and Boyfriends series.Today, I have some tips for you on your road to recovery after a breakup. We all know that breakups suck and there's really no fun way to deal with them. However, I have advice on how to handle these types of situations.
- DO NOT TEXT THE EX- I find that texting your ex will lead to mixed feelings and thoughts of getting back together. Avoid it. Don't you dare pick up that phone...I see you. Put it down. Wait a couple weeks before checking in, if then. If you do decide to text, don't mention anything about the breakup. Say what you need to say and move on.
- Rid Yourself of Memories- If you are trying to heal, the last thing you need are reminders of the relationship. Donate those teddy bears, throw away the cards, and delete your pictures. You heard me right, get rid of them. It may seem harsh, but keeping those things around isn't going to make it any easier.
- Be firm, but Kind- If the horrible moment comes when your ex asks if you guys should think about getting back together, be firm in your decision. It's either a direct yes or a direct (kind) no. Being indecisive will give him/her the wrong idea.
- Keep Details to Yourself- I'm really bad about this. When I go through something traumatizing or painful, I can't keep my mouth shut. I basically tell the world everything that's going on. I can't help it, it's part of my nature. Try to avoid hitting up random people and telling them about your relationship problems.
- That Awkward Moment When You do Talk- The first time seeing your ex again is extremely awkward. Like, baby giraffe minus the cuteness awkward. If you know what I mean. Try being very polite and kind, but know that they probably are uncomfortable and won't be willing to talk much. Don't expect too much from them right away they will come around.
- Be Happy- Breakups are rough for everybody. However, they will test you in a good way, and you will come out stronger. Use this time of pain as an opportunity to grow and learn. This will only happen if you cleanse your mind of all negative thoughts and stick with a support system. I have a group of amazing friends who are there for me and will help me through anything: breakups, drama, stress. Make sure that you have someone that can support you. If you don't I'd be happy to help. Comment or email and I will be happy to be your friend.
Remember, these things happen for a reason. Don't look back and keep moving forward. Yes, being in that relationship was a part of your life that changed you and became a part of you. That never goes away, but the people that will change you do. Don't hold on to them, hold on to what you have learned.
-Love Ling
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Spring Time!
Hello, friends! I am so ready to get out of my winter coat and sweaters. I don't know about you, but spring time is one of my favorite seasons. It's a refreshing change after the cold, winter days. While winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle, I am so excited about the bright colors and warm weather that comes with spring time!
Spring is a great opportunity for self reflection and starting anew. The world is basically reborn and it's a good opportunity for you to renew yourself and get some perspective. Thing positive, be bright, happy, and have fun! Enjoy the sun, wearing shorts, and floral patterns! Put your riding boots back on the shelf and break out those sandals, babe!
-Love Ling
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Cry Baby? When is the right time to cry?
Hello, friends! One of my favorite movies is a 1980s spoof of Grease called Cry Baby, which follows Cry Baby Walker (played by Johnny Depp) who is a juvenile delinquent who causes trouble and sheds one, salty tear for the bad things he does. My best friend, Savannah suggested that I write a post about the right times to cry, because we all know that it can be hard to be strong all the time, but sometimes we have to.
Crying is a normal occurrence that occurs when you are going through any event that emotionally traumatizes you. Sometimes you just feel really rotten and awful inside. Before you know it, your nose gets tingly, your brow furrows, and you feel that burn behind your eyes, indicating the shedding of tears. Society tells you that you need to be tough, strong. You want to hold yourself to a high standard of toughness, so that you look unbreakable. I think this is a defense mechanism that protects you from getting hurt. The tougher you appear, the less you'll fall, right? Wrong. Go ahead and cry. You may feel weak, but don't you feel better when you just cry it out? Things happen that just really, really suck. While you may feel pitiful sobbing into your pillow about, say, a bad breakup, it's actually the first step into your healing process. It relaxes you and cleanses that horrible feeling in your heart.
Everyone is different, but I think that, yes, there is a time to be strong. Sometimes you need to be strong for other people, to help them. In your head, you're being an emotional crutch. To help them even more, cry with them. Be their rock by sharing their pain with them, helping them even more. Don't be afraid to cry. When people are pitying your sadness and say ,"Don't cry", just know that it's bull. Just do what you have to do to feel better.
I also recommend watching Cry Baby. It's an amazing movie.
-Love Ling
Crying is a normal occurrence that occurs when you are going through any event that emotionally traumatizes you. Sometimes you just feel really rotten and awful inside. Before you know it, your nose gets tingly, your brow furrows, and you feel that burn behind your eyes, indicating the shedding of tears. Society tells you that you need to be tough, strong. You want to hold yourself to a high standard of toughness, so that you look unbreakable. I think this is a defense mechanism that protects you from getting hurt. The tougher you appear, the less you'll fall, right? Wrong. Go ahead and cry. You may feel weak, but don't you feel better when you just cry it out? Things happen that just really, really suck. While you may feel pitiful sobbing into your pillow about, say, a bad breakup, it's actually the first step into your healing process. It relaxes you and cleanses that horrible feeling in your heart.
Everyone is different, but I think that, yes, there is a time to be strong. Sometimes you need to be strong for other people, to help them. In your head, you're being an emotional crutch. To help them even more, cry with them. Be their rock by sharing their pain with them, helping them even more. Don't be afraid to cry. When people are pitying your sadness and say ,"Don't cry", just know that it's bull. Just do what you have to do to feel better.
I also recommend watching Cry Baby. It's an amazing movie.
-Love Ling
Friday, February 21, 2014
TMI Tag!
Hello, friends! Today's post is going to be a tag post where you will learn more about me through these 50 questions. I tag Savannah from Yours Truly and Elizabeth from Lizolicious to do this!
1: What are you wearing? I am wearing some track shorts, a tshirt, and a sweatshirt
2: Ever been in love? I don't know, but I've definitely liked guys before
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? I think all breakups are terrible, but I've never had a blow up in your face breakup.
4: How tall are you? 5 ft. 1 in
5: How much do you weigh? It depends on how much pasta I eat tonight
6: Any tattoos? No, I don't want to have a wrinkly design on my arm when I get older.
7: Any piercings? I got my ears pierced in the fourth grade and they have stayed that way ever since. However, I used to be completely against piercings.
8: OTP? One true pair? I really love Chuck and Blair on Gossip Girl. They are meant to be together.
9: Favorite show? New girl , Gossip Girl, and I've really been getting into the Carrie Diaries recently
10: Favorite bands? I don't really have a specific band that I listen to, because I listen to all types of music. I'm not sure.
11: Something you miss? I really miss traveling last summer. I had a blast in Europe and Disney!
12: Favorite song? I'm loving "Gorilla" by Bruno Mars right now, but I also love "Let it Go", "On my Own", "One Day More", and anything show tunes
13: How old are you? I'd rather not disclose this information, due to privacy, but I'm old enough.
14: Zodiac sign? Scorpio and Ox
15: Quality you look for in a partner? I really look for someone who is confident and funny. If you can't make me laugh, don't even think about it. Being attractive doesn't hurt, either.
16: Favorite Quote? "Walk as if there are three men behind you" and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phillipians 4:13
17: Favorite actor? Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullok, Lily Collins, and Jennifer Lawrence
18: Favorite color? Coral
19: Loud music or soft? It depends, but I don't prefer shattered eardrums
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I go to my bed
21: How long does it take you to shower? It typically takes me about 10-15 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 15 minutes exactly almost everyday. This includes makeup, outfit, and making sure my hair doesn't look ridiculous.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? No
24: Turn on? I love guys that can sing and play guitar
25: Turn off? Negativity, unkindness, and laziness
26: The reason I joined Blogger? I have things to say
27: Fears? I have a strange fear of birds
28: Last thing that made you cry? The last time I remember crying was when I got my wisdom teeth out and I was in a lot of pain. I've been on the verge of tears a couple times recently, though.
29: Last time you said you loved someone? When I was on the phone with my dad today
30: Meaning behind your Blogger Name? My middle name is Ai Ling and I wanted to incorporate that into my Blogger name. "Ai" means love in Chinese, so I figured that the two just fit together. Love Ling.
31: Last book you read? Divergent. Loved it. Book review soon!
32: The book you’re currently reading? Insurgent
33: Last show you watched? The Carrie Diaries, which is a really happy, amazing show
34: Last person you talked to? Elizabeth
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? She is one of my good friends
36: Favorite food? Pasta and Chocolate
37: Place you want to visit? I love Disneyworld and I'd really like to see New York again
38: Last place you were? In the music room, practicing piano
39: Do you have a crush? Johnny Depp
40: Last time you kissed someone? 3 months ago? It's been a while
41: Last time you were insulted? Today
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Chocolate and caramel
43: What instruments do you play?? Flute, guitar, piano, and I sing
44: Favorite piece of jewelry? I love my pocket-watch necklace
45: Last sport you played? Soccer at church. It didn't end well.
46: Last song you sang? Blow Gabriel Blow
47: Favorite chat up line? "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
48: Have you ever used it? No
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Last weekend
50: Who should answer these questions next? Savannah and Elizabeth, for sure! Also, anyone who reads this blog and wants to answer them!
Stolen from http://www.nikkietutorials.com/site/2014/02/tmi-tag/
-Love Ling
1: What are you wearing? I am wearing some track shorts, a tshirt, and a sweatshirt
2: Ever been in love? I don't know, but I've definitely liked guys before
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? I think all breakups are terrible, but I've never had a blow up in your face breakup.
4: How tall are you? 5 ft. 1 in
5: How much do you weigh? It depends on how much pasta I eat tonight
6: Any tattoos? No, I don't want to have a wrinkly design on my arm when I get older.
7: Any piercings? I got my ears pierced in the fourth grade and they have stayed that way ever since. However, I used to be completely against piercings.
8: OTP? One true pair? I really love Chuck and Blair on Gossip Girl. They are meant to be together.
9: Favorite show? New girl , Gossip Girl, and I've really been getting into the Carrie Diaries recently
10: Favorite bands? I don't really have a specific band that I listen to, because I listen to all types of music. I'm not sure.
11: Something you miss? I really miss traveling last summer. I had a blast in Europe and Disney!
12: Favorite song? I'm loving "Gorilla" by Bruno Mars right now, but I also love "Let it Go", "On my Own", "One Day More", and anything show tunes
13: How old are you? I'd rather not disclose this information, due to privacy, but I'm old enough.
14: Zodiac sign? Scorpio and Ox
15: Quality you look for in a partner? I really look for someone who is confident and funny. If you can't make me laugh, don't even think about it. Being attractive doesn't hurt, either.
16: Favorite Quote? "Walk as if there are three men behind you" and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phillipians 4:13
17: Favorite actor? Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullok, Lily Collins, and Jennifer Lawrence
18: Favorite color? Coral
19: Loud music or soft? It depends, but I don't prefer shattered eardrums
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I go to my bed
21: How long does it take you to shower? It typically takes me about 10-15 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 15 minutes exactly almost everyday. This includes makeup, outfit, and making sure my hair doesn't look ridiculous.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? No
24: Turn on? I love guys that can sing and play guitar
25: Turn off? Negativity, unkindness, and laziness
26: The reason I joined Blogger? I have things to say
27: Fears? I have a strange fear of birds
28: Last thing that made you cry? The last time I remember crying was when I got my wisdom teeth out and I was in a lot of pain. I've been on the verge of tears a couple times recently, though.
29: Last time you said you loved someone? When I was on the phone with my dad today
30: Meaning behind your Blogger Name? My middle name is Ai Ling and I wanted to incorporate that into my Blogger name. "Ai" means love in Chinese, so I figured that the two just fit together. Love Ling.
31: Last book you read? Divergent. Loved it. Book review soon!
32: The book you’re currently reading? Insurgent
33: Last show you watched? The Carrie Diaries, which is a really happy, amazing show
34: Last person you talked to? Elizabeth
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? She is one of my good friends
36: Favorite food? Pasta and Chocolate
37: Place you want to visit? I love Disneyworld and I'd really like to see New York again
38: Last place you were? In the music room, practicing piano
39: Do you have a crush? Johnny Depp
40: Last time you kissed someone? 3 months ago? It's been a while
41: Last time you were insulted? Today
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Chocolate and caramel
43: What instruments do you play?? Flute, guitar, piano, and I sing
44: Favorite piece of jewelry? I love my pocket-watch necklace
45: Last sport you played? Soccer at church. It didn't end well.
46: Last song you sang? Blow Gabriel Blow
47: Favorite chat up line? "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
48: Have you ever used it? No
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Last weekend
50: Who should answer these questions next? Savannah and Elizabeth, for sure! Also, anyone who reads this blog and wants to answer them!
Stolen from http://www.nikkietutorials.com/site/2014/02/tmi-tag/
-Love Ling
Music I'm Listening to Now 2
Hello, friends! Music has made me a very happy camper in this busy and stressful week. Here are some of my favorites from this week:
- Gorilla by Bruno Mars- I absolutely love this song! It's crazy explicit, but I really love the beat and it's rock vibe. Bruno Mars just has the most amazing voice.
- Counting Stars by One Republic- This song is totally over played on the radio, but I totally dig it. It's so catchy and is great to listen to in the car.
- Worst Pies in London by Helena Bonham Carter from Sweeney Todd- You know about my obsession with a movie that I've never seen before. The dark, gruesomeness is totally contrasting with my positive, happy vibe style, but something about its darkness is very intriguing. In this song, Mrs. Lovett is beating her frustrations into the grossest pies in London and it just sounds great.
-Love Ling
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Breakups and Boyfriends
-Love Ling
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Best Friends
Hello,friends! I'm sure that all of you have had at least one best friend.You know. The person you can always go to when you are having trouble, the person who is the first person you invite somewhere, the person who will be there no matter what. I am happy to say that I have multiple best friends that I love like sisters. They are absolutely amazing and I don't know what I would do without them. If you are the kind of person who has trouble talking to other people and making friends, know that there's someone out there who will be the peanut butter to your jelly, the Serena to your Blair. Don't close yourself off. Be open to new experiences, wonderful memories, and incredible friendships.
My best friend, Savannah, just started a blog that I will link down below. It's about life as a teenager and all that goes on in it. I highly encourage you to check out this blog, because I know that you will love it! Tell Sav I sent you!
Also, if you ever need a friend, do not be afraid to email me or message me. I will be here if you need to talk about anything. Friendships are one of the most crucial relationships a person can have. Who am I to deprive someone of that? Let's be friends!
Savannah's Blog: http://takingontheworldoneblogatatime.blogspot.com
Also, check out Elizabeth's amazing fashion blog! She's another one of my amazing friends!
Elizabeth's Blog: http://lizohammock.wix.com/lizolicious#!about/cfvg
-Love Ling
My best friend, Savannah, just started a blog that I will link down below. It's about life as a teenager and all that goes on in it. I highly encourage you to check out this blog, because I know that you will love it! Tell Sav I sent you!
Also, if you ever need a friend, do not be afraid to email me or message me. I will be here if you need to talk about anything. Friendships are one of the most crucial relationships a person can have. Who am I to deprive someone of that? Let's be friends!
Savannah's Blog: http://takingontheworldoneblogatatime.blogspot.com
Also, check out Elizabeth's amazing fashion blog! She's another one of my amazing friends!
Elizabeth's Blog: http://lizohammock.wix.com/lizolicious#!about/cfvg
-Love Ling
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Live Colorfully
Hello, friends! While on a mall trip with my friend, Elizabeth (from the lizolicious blog), we came across a wonderful little store called Kate Spade. I don't know if it was the bow detailing on the neon leather bags or the wonderful pictures of the Eiffel Tower on the walls, but I was in love. It was all I could do to not buy everything in there! One thing I noticed the minute I walked in was this gorgeous neon sign, reading "Live Colorfully".I was instantly inspired and just had to take a picture.

This got me thinking that a lot of people live life according to the social norms and don't branch out to do what they want to do. So, my fellow readers, live colorfully. Have fun, be yourself, and do what makes you happy! Happiness is the most important thing. Now, you don't have to live life in the all the colors of the rainbow, if you know what I mean. Don't wear yourself out feeling like you have to be this huge firework all the time. Live according to your own colors, but enjoy life. Love yourself, the world around you, and find joy in everyday.
-Love Ling

This got me thinking that a lot of people live life according to the social norms and don't branch out to do what they want to do. So, my fellow readers, live colorfully. Have fun, be yourself, and do what makes you happy! Happiness is the most important thing. Now, you don't have to live life in the all the colors of the rainbow, if you know what I mean. Don't wear yourself out feeling like you have to be this huge firework all the time. Live according to your own colors, but enjoy life. Love yourself, the world around you, and find joy in everyday.
-Love Ling
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Day
Hello, friends! Happy Valentine's Day! Even if you're single or taken, I hope you seize this day and use it to show the people around you how much you love them. Of course, that's something you should strive to do every day, but nobody's perfect. Though I don't have a Valentine, I am going to make the most of today by eating chocolate, blogging, and watching chick flicks. Some of my favorite Valentine's Day movies are Valentine's Day, Chocolat, Safe Haven, and anything with Johnny Depp. What are yours?
Just like any other holiday, there's a reason for the season. Valentine's Day isn't just about the chocolate and the flowers. It was actually created by Hallmark so they would sell more cards. Anyways! The best way to spread love on Valentine's Day is just by throwing someone a solid. Be kind to people, be a positive influence, and brighten up someone's day. That's better than any of card or chocolate.
I would like to take this time to promote one of my friends' blogs, Lizolicious. My friend, Elizabeth, is an amazing fashion designer and blogger. I will link her blog down below. Right now, she is having a Valentine's Day Fashion Challenge on her website where people can send in their Valentine's Day outfits and she will feature them on her website. Is that cool, or what? Make sure to go to her blog and check out all the cute outfits and her amazingness. I hope you have an amazing VDay!
-Love Ling
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Bioré Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser Review
Hello, friends! I recently bought the Bioré Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser at Target. I found out about it from the March issue of Seventeen Magazine and tried the sample provided in the ad, and it definitely intrigued me. I have been testing it out for the past week and today, I am providing you with a review of this product. Hopefully you will find this helpful. Let's get to it!
Price: It retais for $6.49 at Target, but the sample in the magazine came with a $3 off coupons. On the Target website, you can print off a $1 off one Biore product or $3 off two Biore products. Below is a link to print off the coupon.
Claims: This product claims to draw out impurities using Charcoal and says that it deep cleans 2X better than a basic cleanser. The result should be purified pores and a lingering tingly feeling on the face.
Personal Application: To apply this cleanser, I first wet my face. Then, I used the pump to apply about a pump and a half to my fingers. The actual product is a gel consistency and is a black color. I commenced onto applying this to my face. I focused more on my T-Zone, because that's where I tend to break out more. It lathered up into a thick, foamy consistency. After I felt like I had washed my face enough, I rinsed it off with water. My face felt instantly soft and tingly, like the product claims.
Final Thoughts:
- Packaging: I like that the cleanser has a pump. It makes it really easy to apply and I like that I can prop it up by my soap at the sink.
- Formula: I liked that the formula was a gel/foam consistency, because it's good for my oily skin. Before, I said that the formula was a black color, but it does not appear this way on the face, which is fine. I don't, however, like the smell. Luckily, the smell doesn't linger on the face, so it's not something to worry about.
- Application: I really liked that it worked up into a foamy lather. I really felt like my face was getting thoroughly cleansed. After drying my face off, I truly felt like my skin was a whole lot cleaner due to the tingly sensation. I feel like my pores were refreshed and free of impurities. This product definitely lived up to its claims
-Love Ling
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Snow Cream Recipe
Hello,friends! It is still snowing where I live! I don't know how long I am going to be house bound due to the snow, but I am enjoying the beautiful, blowing flurries. Yesterday's snow adventures included building a snowman and sledding, but today, the snow is a lot more powdery and soft. My sister and I decided to take advantage of this and make snow cream. We had never made it before, so I looked up a recipe online to see how. Here's the recipe
- A big bowl of fresh snow
- 1 c milk
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp of vanilla
- Any extra toppings
- Set a bowl outside while it's snowing and wait until it's full of snow. You can also scoop fresh snow into the bowl.
- Pour in the milk, sugar, and vanilla into the bowl and stir it until all the ingredients are fully mixed
- Serve in a bowl and enjoy!
I find that snow cream is very similar to a vanilla slushy. It's very light, but at the same time, very filling. I highly encourage you to make this delicious treat!
-Love Ling
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Snow Day!
Hello, friends! I hope you all are doing well wherever you are, whatever whether you are currently in. Mother Nature has decided to go crazy on us where we live. It is snowing in February. What?
I took advantage of the beautiful snow outside by going sledding with my sister on the uncooperative hill. We weren't able to catch any air, but it was very fun and reminiscent of past winters. We also built an adorable snow man with a corn cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal. Is that even the line? Anyways! It actually sported a beret and sunglasses. We were pretty proud.
After galavanting in the snow, we came inside where I made my famous hot chocolate. I just mixed the packet with milk over a pan and frothed it after cooking. Muy delicioso. Does anyone know a good recipe for snow cream? We were thinking about try it.
I know that this was a bit of a "What I did today" babble, but I hope you enjoyed my scatterbrained words. I will talk to you in my next post!
-Love Ling
Sunday, February 9, 2014
January Favorites 2014
Hello,friends! Alright, I'll admit it. I might be a little bit addicted to YouTube and watching beauty videos. I know it may seem totally lame, but I really love watching Beauty Gurus share their trade and getting recommendations from them. One of my favorite videos to watch comes around once a month and almost all the YouTubers I subscribe to participate in them: The Monthly Favorites Video. In this video, they share the products (beauty, health,body) that they have been using and loving all month and random things they have loved as well. January was a really good month for me and I have gotten to experience a lot of different things throughout the month. I figured, why not share my favorite things of January with y'all? Furthermore, sit back, relax, and enjoy my January favorites.
1.) My first favorite product for January is this nail polish by Sinful Colors. It's called "Endless Blue", and by the title, it's easy to guess that it's a blue color. I love how bold and bright it is and the royal blue really pops against my skin.
2.) My second favorite is another nail polish by one of my favorite brands, Wet n Wild. It's called "Lethal Injection", and I have loved this polish for a very long time. I love how dark it is, but at the same time, the color is still very classy and sophisticated. Also, in different lighting, the color will appear darker or lighter.
3.)My hair is very dry and a lot of the times, I find myself needing some sort of treatment to moisturize it and keep it looking healthy. I have really been loving this Loreal Damage Erasing Hair Mask. It's only about five dollars at the drug store and it leaves my hair feeling super silky after leaving it in for a few minutes. Plus, it smells like banana and coconut.
4.) I have tried so many different dry shampoos in the past and I find that they leave my hair feeling even more dirty and greasy than it was before. I picked up this Garnier Fructis Dry Shampoo the other day and I have found it to work wonders. It smells absolutely amazing and makes my oily hair look and feel like I just washed it.
5.) My skin is oily and very acne prone. I have found that using some sort of exfoliant at night helps treat my skin and acne. This Green Tea Scrub by St. Ives is absolutely amazing. Not only does it smell like tea, but it also has Salicylic Acid in it that has really helped clear up my skin and leave it looking fresh and healthy.
6.) In January, I used my Garnier BB Cream for Combo to Oily Skin quite often. It's very runny and the product just pours out of the tube, but it has really good coverage and blends very nicely on my skin. Despite my skin's oiliness, this BB cream lasts for about six or seven hours.
7.) For Christmas, my best friend got me the Em Cosmetics Great Coverup Concealer, and I just love it. It's a very thick formula, but it covers imperfections like a dream and blends effortlessly. I also find that it lasts a really long time. I am so thankful that I received this as a gift, because it is the best concealer I have ever tried.
8.) Throughout January, I used my NYX Love in Rio Cabana Boy palette a lot. I really love applying the first gold color all over my lid for a nice, natural look. The color is very pigmented and seems to last a long time, even with my oily eyelids.
9.) I bought myself the Sephora Desert Storm Palette for my birthday last year. I really love the eyeshadows in this palette. There's a good variety, so you can create a ton of eye looks and the shadows are really good quality. They're really velvety and pigmented.
January was a really good month for me and I was able to experience new and different things that made the month very memorable. I look forward to seeing what February of 2014 has to offer. I hope you enjoyed this post and got some good tips on new things to try.

10.)My absolute favorite body mist is Pure Seduction by Victoria's Secret. The scent is very fruity and fresh. I love spraying it on, because it makes me smell like a walking, talking basket of papaya and mango. Who doesn't love that? Seriously though, if you haven't smelled it, you are missing out.
January was a really good month for me and I was able to experience new and different things that made the month very memorable. I look forward to seeing what February of 2014 has to offer. I hope you enjoyed this post and got some good tips on new things to try.
-Love Ling
Friday, February 7, 2014
What Music am I Listening to Now?
Hello, friends! I know I'm not the only person alive who loves music. There's really nothing better than blocking out the world by putting in headphones and jamming out to your favorite album. My music taste is all over the place. I absolutely love Broadway show tunes, but I also love alternative, pop, rock, and everything in between. In today's post, I am going to share with you some of my favorite songs that I've been listening to right now.
- Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars- After seeing him perform at the Super Bowl, I was completely inspired to get back into my love affair with his music. This song has a really cool rock n roll beat with a little bit of a pop edge.
- Epiphany by Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter- Although, I haven't officially seen Sweeney Todd, I am a HUGE fan of Johnny Depp and enjoy this song immensely. Basically in the context of the story, Sweeney Todd is singing "Epiphany" explaining how everyone deserves to die. It's really not the best song to get stuck in your head, but I am totally guilty of singing it in public.
- Let it Go by Idina Menzel- Idina Menzel has been my idol for such a long time. I loved her in Wicked and I loved her in Frozen. This song is the most amazing ballad, but quite a doozy to sing.
- Counting Stars by One Republic- I disliked this song for the longest time, but I'm starting to get into it now. It's really catchy and is fun to listen to.
My music taste is really all over the place, but whose isn't? I hope you take time to listen to these songs, because I think they are pretty spectacular.
-Love Ling
Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Fault in Our Stars Book Review
Hello, friends! The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green is one of my most recent reads. It's quirkiness and brutal reality has caused it to gain major popularity and a special place in my heart. On June sixth, my dreams will finally be coming true as it will be shown in theaters! I figured that you all will be flocking to the movies to go watch the beautifully written story of Mr. Green, but why not read a little review to remind yourself of the awesomeness of this book? For this reason, I present to you The Fault in Our Stars book review.
The Fault in Our Stars tells the story of a teenager named Hazel Grace with physically kaput lungs. She has been battling cancer for a while and attends a youth group consisting of cancer patients like her. There, she meets the dreamy Augustus Waters, who shows Hazel Grace the beauty within herself and in the world.
One thing that I really enjoyed about this book is that it keeps the reader engaged in its quirkiness. There are several lines in TFIOS that are simply hilarious and very well thought out. At the same time, the book is very philosophical and makes the reader think. I have found myself mentally referring to parts in it when I need direction or inspiration. Another thing that made The Fault in Our Stars enjoyable is the heart (no pun intended) that is the basis for the novel. It really is a charming, sweet story that has the reader rooting for the underdog.
Honestly, the best way to find out if The Fault in Our Stars is a good read for you is either by sampling it or just going out and buying it. Believe me, you will spend sleepless nights reading the words of the fantastical John Green with no regrets. It's humor, light-heartedness, and emotional depth make this book (in my opinion) one of the best of 2013,2014, and beyond. Okay.
-Love Ling
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Never Written a Blog Post Before...
Hello, friends! If you haven't figured it out from the title, this is my very first blog post. Ever. Of course, I'm in tune with the social media out there today: Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, but how often do you hear of every day people with a blog? I look forward to spending endless days writing to you about things going on in life. You are in for a real, grammatically flawed treat.
-Love Ling
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