Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cry Baby? When is the right time to cry?

Hello, friends! One of my favorite movies is a 1980s spoof of Grease called Cry Baby, which follows Cry Baby Walker (played by Johnny Depp) who is a juvenile delinquent who causes trouble and sheds one, salty tear for the bad things he does. My best friend, Savannah suggested that I write a post about the right times to cry, because we all know that it can be hard to be strong all the time, but sometimes we have to. 
  Crying is a normal occurrence that occurs when you are going through any event that emotionally traumatizes you. Sometimes you just feel really rotten and awful inside. Before you know it, your nose gets tingly, your brow furrows, and you feel that burn behind your eyes, indicating the shedding of tears. Society tells you that you need to be tough, strong. You want to hold yourself to a high standard of toughness, so that you look unbreakable. I think this is a defense mechanism that protects you from getting hurt. The tougher you appear, the less you'll fall, right? Wrong. Go ahead and cry. You may feel weak, but don't you feel better when you just cry it out? Things happen that just really, really suck. While you may feel pitiful sobbing into your pillow about, say, a bad breakup, it's actually the first step into your healing process. It relaxes you and cleanses that horrible feeling in your heart. 
  Everyone is different, but I think that, yes, there is a time to be strong. Sometimes you need to be strong for other people, to help them. In your head, you're being an emotional crutch. To help them even more, cry with them. Be their rock by sharing their pain with them, helping them even more. Don't be afraid to cry. When people are pitying your sadness and say ,"Don't cry", just know that it's bull. Just do what you have to do to feel better. 
  I also recommend watching Cry Baby. It's an amazing movie.

-Love Ling

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