Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Deal After a Breakup

Hello, friends! Here is another post in my Break up and Boyfriends series.Today, I have some tips for you on your road to recovery after a breakup. We all know that breakups suck and there's really no fun way to deal with them. However, I have advice on how to handle these types of situations.

  1. DO NOT TEXT THE EX- I find that texting your ex will lead to mixed feelings and thoughts of getting back together. Avoid it. Don't you dare pick up that phone...I see you. Put it down. Wait a couple weeks before checking in, if then. If you do decide to text, don't mention anything about the breakup. Say what you need to say and move on.
  2. Rid Yourself of Memories- If you are trying to heal, the last thing you need are reminders of the relationship. Donate those teddy bears, throw away the cards, and delete your pictures. You heard me right, get rid of them. It may seem harsh, but keeping those things around isn't going to make it any easier.
  3. Be firm, but Kind- If the horrible moment comes when your ex asks if you guys should think about getting back together, be firm in your decision. It's either a direct yes or a direct (kind) no. Being indecisive will give him/her the wrong idea.
  4. Keep Details to Yourself- I'm really bad about this. When I go through something traumatizing or painful, I can't keep my mouth shut. I basically tell the world everything that's going on. I can't help it, it's part of my nature. Try to avoid hitting up random people and telling them about your relationship problems. 
  5. That Awkward Moment When You do Talk- The first time seeing your ex again is extremely awkward. Like, baby giraffe minus the cuteness awkward. If you know what I mean. Try being very polite and kind, but know that they probably are uncomfortable and won't be willing to talk much. Don't expect too much from them right away they will come around. 
  6. Be Happy- Breakups are rough for everybody. However, they will test you in a good way, and you will come out stronger. Use this time of pain as an opportunity to grow and learn. This will only happen if you cleanse your mind of all negative thoughts and stick with a support system. I have a group of amazing friends who are there for me and will help me through anything: breakups, drama, stress. Make sure that you have someone that can support you. If you don't I'd be happy to help. Comment or email and I will be happy to be your friend.
  Remember, these things happen for a reason. Don't look back and keep moving forward. Yes, being in that relationship was a part of your life that changed you and became a part of you. That never goes away, but the people that will change you do. Don't hold on to them, hold on to what you have learned.
-Love Ling

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