Friday, April 11, 2014

Always Sleepy?

  Hello, friends! I hope you're having an amazing Friday! It's time for the weekend, babes! Tell me, do you have any fun weekend plans? On Saturday, I am volunteering at a local 5k (I'M SO EXCITED) and shall be working prom in the evening. I am stoked! Today's post is a bit of a rant post, but it's okay because we all have our pet peeves. I just hope that it inspires you. 
  I don't know about you, but I love to stay busy. I'm always super happy when I always have something fun to do! I consider myself to be an energizer bunny. I'm constantly on the go, constantly high energy. I honestly don't know where it comes from. I find that I always have a hard time understanding other people when they talk about sleep. All they talk about is sleep. I must say, that it really annoys me. When I ask someone what they like to do and they just say "sleep", I'm totally thrown off. It just bothers me when people's main concern is just sleeping! How can you enjoy it when you're not fully conscious? It really is just a drag to be around someone who is tired all the time and who has no other ambition other than resting. 
  I think that people, especially teenagers, need to pep it up, get some sleep and enjoy life! There's a beautiful world out there, don't bring every one else down with your lack of energy! Even if you are a bit sleepy, don't be rude. Don't zone out when someone else is talking to you. It doesn't matter how tired you are, or what mood you're in. Do not let your mood or physical condition prevent you from being a good person. 

I hope this didn't throw you off too much! I just needed to make it aware that this is a problem! I know that I'm high energy, but still. If you need a bit of pep in your step, here's a link to my latest recipe, a Caramel Frap that you can make at home! (RecipeEnjoy your weekend! Expect some posts from me! 

-Love Ling

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