My Weekend
Hello, friends! It's almost Monday, which means we have to say goodbye to the weekend. What a sad thing. I must tell you that I don't want to give up days where I don't have to get up early or work too hard. I guess that's just a part of life. Oh well! Let's take a look into what I did this weekend:
Friday: I basically hung around all afternoon and evening. I did a bit of computer stuff, got McDonald's coffee (obsession) and went out to dinner with my dad. If you were wondering what I got, I got spaghetti. It was delicious. Friday was basically a chill day.
Saturday: Saturday was GORGEOUS. The sun was shining and it was warm, ah! I love it! I did a bit of work outside and then my friend called me up to go for an impromptu trip to the mall, where we got Double Doozies from Great American Cookie. If you've never had one before, it's basically large cookie sandwich with frosting in the middle. Though my abs complained, I didn't it was delicious.
After getting back from the mall, I hung out around the house a bit and had dinner with my family. They decided that they wanted to see Divergent, so I called up my bestie, Savannah to go see it. I might have called her up 30 minutes before the movie started...oh well! It was a great time, and that movie is fantastic! If you haven't seen it, you definitely need to!
Tell me, which faction would you be in? I think I'd be Amity or Dauntless (ha), or maybe Divergent. Let me know!
Sunday: On Sunday, I had a lot of responsibilities at church. Savannah and I had to help the children's choir with their music, set up communion, and host a sunday school class. It was quite busy! After words, Sav and my family and I all went out to get Pho at a local Vietnamese restaurant. It was Savannah's first time having it, and watching her figure out how to eat it was interesting. If you haven't had pho, it's basically a bowl of beef broth, vegetables, long noodles, and any meat you want. It's absolutely delicious, and I recommend it. After lunch, me and Savannah went thrifting at the local Goodwill. I don't know why, but Goodwill always makes me want to take a shower, afterwards. We found some cool stuff, though! Savannah ended up getting these adorable red heels and I got a $1 Nicholas Sparks book. Hazaa!
After thrifting, we came back to my house to hang out and watch Anything Goes on my laptop. It was pretty weird seeing myself on stage, but it was a nice trip down memory lane. Of course, being the people we were, we got coffee. You guys know about my obsession with McDonald's coffee. The frappes are the best! I got caramel this time, and I have to say, I was impressed. After a quick trip to CVS, we drew our hangout sesh to a close. That was the majority of Sunday (today), other than doing some more work and taking a shower.
I hope you enjoyed the thrilling adventures of my weekend. Have a great week!
Here's a link to Savannah's blog! Show her some love!
Savannah's Blog
-Love Ling
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