Hello, friends! If you guys were ever to wonder how I get ready on a daily basis, here it is! I follow this routine pretty much every morning. It's simple, routine, and fine by me. Let's get started.
I usually get up around 5:30-5:45.
After waking up, I stumble into the bathroom to wash my face. The face wash I use is the Biore Deep Charcoal Cleanser which I reviewed a while back. Here's the link to the post.
After washing my face, I apply moisturizer. The moisturizer I use is this one from Boots, which is awesome, because it mattifies my face. It almost serves as a primer, because it helps my makeup stay on longer as it absorbs excess oils.
I wear contacts, so I wash my hands and put in my contacts. Ah! Sight!
While my moisturizer is drying, I change into the clothes I am going to wear that day. I usually have my outfit laid out from the night before.
After I change, it is time for makeup! On a typical day, I just go for concealer/foundation/BB cream. One of those. I apply powder, do my eyebrows, mascara, and blush. Like my clothes, I plan out the makeup I'm going to wear for the next day. I put the products I'm going to use in a makeup caddy that I keep under my sink.
After makeup, I make sure my hair isn't ridiculous apply deodorant and perfume, then I head downstairs for breakfast! By this time, it's about 6 o clock.
**All this time, I'm listening to the Disney Pandora Station. It puts me in a good mood for the day!
Coffee is essential to my morning routine. I usually make myself a cup and mix in some chocolate caramel creamer. It's amazing. I need breakfast as well as coffee to give my energy for the day. I like to have a healthy breakfast, so I go for an egg sandwich or scrambled eggs. It depends on how much time I have in the morning.
While enjoying my breakfast, I'll be on my phone, scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest. At 6:30, I put my dishes away and if I have any coffee left, I'll pour it into a tumbler with some ice for travel. I'm out the door at 6:38 with my bag and coffee to start my day.
That's my morning routine! I hope you enjoyed it and found it as thrilling as I'm trying to make it sound. I'm a morning person, for the most part, so I really enjoy my mornings and as can see, a lot goes into it. If you would like an everyday makeup routine, let me know and I shall provide!
What Are You Looking For?
Saturday, April 26, 2014
April Non Beauty Favorites
Hello, friends!April was very stressful and full of work, but luckily, it flew by! Summer is getting closer and closer! Here are my non beauty favorites for April:
Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed my April Non-Beauty Favorites. Let me know in the comments below what some of your favorites of April have been! Also, if you've missed some of my other monthly favorites posts, just go to the "Favorites" tab of my Home Screen. You'll find all of my other favorites posts there! Feel free to navigate through the other tabs to see what else I've posted.
- Til I Hear You Sing: You guys know.
- Somewhere Only We Know: I love this song! It's so happy and upbeat. I'm going to be performing it with some of my friends next Friday.
- Music of the Night: This is such a gorgeous song. Of course it's from Phantom.
- RachhLoves: I just recently started watching Rachhloves on YouTube, and I really like her! She's got a really fun personality and is fun to listen to. I especially love her "Get Ready With Me" videos. Here's a link to her channel (Rachhloves)
- Ramin Karimloo (Rameen Karem-loo): He is my man candy Monday everyday. If you haven't heard me talk about him before, he's a Broadway actor/singer with a gorgeous opera voice. I love him for playing the Phantom in the 25th Anniversary of TPOTO. (The Phantom of the Opera)
- Sierra Boggess: To accompany Ramin, Sierra Boggess plays Christine opposite the Phantom in the show. She has the most gorgeous voice and is über talented.
- Theo James: Need I say more? He is a favorite of mine.
- Shailene Woodley: She is just a beautiful person. Not only is she an amazing actress but a really good role model.


- Divergent: If you haven't seen this movie yet, you really need to! I saw it this month with some friends and we fell in love.
- Phantom of the Opera: Guys, I just can't get enough of my Phantom!

- Mocha Frap: I've had many-a mocha fraps this month. I thought I was strictly devoted to caramel, but I love the bitter sweet taste of this coffee.
- Icecream: I especially love chocolate chip cookie dough. It's been a favorite.
- Cookie butter: If you've never tried the cookie butter at Trader Joe's, you are missing out! It's basically a mix of peanut butter and crushed ginger bread. It kinda tastes like the peanut butter filling of Nutter Butters.
- Insurgent: I just finished this book yesterday, and I really like it! I don't think it's better than Divergent, but I definitely enjoyed it.
- Gold Flats: I've really been getting into bright, spring fashion and gold flats have been perfect for achieving that look. They're playful, yet casual at the same time.
- Skirts: I finally gave in and bought myself a few skirts. I've really been enjoying wearing them!

-Love Ling
Things That Make Me Happy: Part 2
Hello, friends! How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well, but if you're not, here's a post that will hopefully bring a bit of light into your life. A couple weeks ago, I posted "Thing That Make Me Happy" which got a lot of good feedback. If you would like to visit this post, feel free to click right here. Then, come back and read this one! Someone actually commented that that post made them happy and I can't even tell you how that made me feel. To that person who commented, thank you so much. I wanted to make a sequel to that post, seeing that the first one was very popular among you guys. Here are Things That Make Me Happy: Part 2.
**Not in any particular order
**Not in any particular order
- When guys can sing: I just find that I'm super impressed when guys not only have the courage to sing, but also sing well. There's something about that that makes me really happy.
- Volunteering: I find a lot of joy in volunteering and helping other people. I highly recommend volunteering at a nursing home or animal shelter. You never know what you'll discover.
- Elephant printed clothing: Elephants are one of my favorite animals, and when I am able to find them on clothing, I am one happy girl! Not only does it match with my classic/bohemian style, but they're just so darn beautiful! Why wouldn't I want to wear pictures of them?
- Disney World: I love Disney World. It's such a fun, happy, positive place. I got to go there last summer, and it was amazing. Kudos to you, Disney. It really is a magical place.
- Ab workouts: I really love toning up my abs and doing ab workouts are just fun for me to do. Especially when I'm done, and I have lines on the side of my stomach for a couple minutes. Beast mode.
- Phantom of the Opera: You guys, I am to obsessed with this show! I know you're probably tired of me talking about it, but Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess do such an amazing job in this show. I can't stop listening or watching it.
- Books: I love reading, even though I don't have much time to read. Books are kind of like friends that take you off to cool places.
- Icecream: Who doesn't get joy from ice cream? It's like a frozen bowl of love.
- Clean hair: Whenever I shower, I feel on point when my hair finally dries and it's clean and volumized. I hate having greasy hair.
- My dogs!: I am a total dog person, and I absolutely love my pooches! They are so cute and fluffy, you just can't feel sad when you're around them. Here's some pictures of them playing in the snow! Honey is the golden doodle and Maggie is the golden retriever. Love them!
Alright, friends! I hope you had an amazing day today and that this post made you slightly more happy. If you're still in a poopy mood, google a picture of Ryan Gosling. Then stare into his eyes. You should be good.-Love Ling
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
My Day!
Hello, friends! Today was another busy, yet fun day in the Love Ling world! Let me tell you about it. P.S., as I am writing this, a cat is staring at me and I am listening to "Once Upon Another Time" from Love Never Dies. Let's get to it.
This morning, I woke up relatively early and was able to have breakfast with my grandfather. I had a glass of orange juice, a muffin, and some fruit. After breakfast, I practiced a bit of piano and my sister and I decided that we wanted to get out of the house. We don't like to stay at home for long periods of time, we prefer to be out in the world! Henceforth, we went to our favorite store in the world: Target. I swear, that store is so amazing. I blindly ran around the store trying to earn "kicks" for Shopkick. For those of you who don't know what "Shopkick" is, it's an app that allows you to collect points called "kicks" by walking into certain stores and scanning products there. You can also gain kicks by buying from the app or linking your credit card to it. When you get a certain number of kicks, you can exchange them for gift cards. I'm working towards a Target gift card. Anyways! At Target, I got "The Notebook" on DVD, M&M's, and an iced coffee from Starbucks.
After Target, my sister and I decided to check out the local World Market. I absolutely love that store. It's so bohemian and totally my style. I wish I could buy everything there!
Once we got back from shopping, we had lunch with our family and about an hour or so later, I went to the local used book store with my mom. We brought some books and movies to exchange and used our $41 credit to buy some things there. They have so much music, books, and movies there! I ended up getting some sheet music, "City of Bones", and "A Walk To Remember". I also ran into one of the daycare teachers that I had when I was in elementary school! It was a totally awkward, yet awesome encounter.
After going to the bookstore, we rushed back home so that I could take the car and meet up with some friends. It was extremely difficult driving down to meet them, considering that I had no idea where I was going. I had to call them and have them navigate me to their location, but I got there! It was fine! We got frozen yogurt and chatted. I haven't seen them in a while, so it was really nice to catch up with them. It's nice to have friends who you can still be friends with, even without seeing them for a while.
Once we finished hanging out, it was dinner time, so I struggled in driving to meet my mom, sister, and her friend for dinner. Sometimes, driving is the most stressful thing in the world! We went to a cafeteria that was one of our favorites for a while, but we haven't been to in a while. For those of your wondering, I got chicken dumplings, fried okra, broccoli, and sweet tea. I'm a semi southern girl, y'all. After dinner, my sister and her friend wanted me to drive them to Starbucks, so I took them, but I didn't get anything. I did, however, leave a tip for the barista by stretching my arm as far out as I possibly could out of the car window to reach the tip box. I almost fell out.
Following our trip to Starbucks, I dropped my sister's friend off at her house and talked to her family (friends of ours) for a bit. Then my sister and I drove back home. For the rest of the night, up until now, I was watching Ramin Karimloo's vlog on the Broadway.com channel on YouTube. He's seriously so adorable. I will leave a link to this video right here. I love Ramin so much!
I hope you enjoyed this uber long post of my day, today. I apologize if it's grammatically incorrect in some places. It's nighttime, y'all. I will chat with you later!
-Love Ling
This morning, I woke up relatively early and was able to have breakfast with my grandfather. I had a glass of orange juice, a muffin, and some fruit. After breakfast, I practiced a bit of piano and my sister and I decided that we wanted to get out of the house. We don't like to stay at home for long periods of time, we prefer to be out in the world! Henceforth, we went to our favorite store in the world: Target. I swear, that store is so amazing. I blindly ran around the store trying to earn "kicks" for Shopkick. For those of you who don't know what "Shopkick" is, it's an app that allows you to collect points called "kicks" by walking into certain stores and scanning products there. You can also gain kicks by buying from the app or linking your credit card to it. When you get a certain number of kicks, you can exchange them for gift cards. I'm working towards a Target gift card. Anyways! At Target, I got "The Notebook" on DVD, M&M's, and an iced coffee from Starbucks.
After Target, my sister and I decided to check out the local World Market. I absolutely love that store. It's so bohemian and totally my style. I wish I could buy everything there!
Once we got back from shopping, we had lunch with our family and about an hour or so later, I went to the local used book store with my mom. We brought some books and movies to exchange and used our $41 credit to buy some things there. They have so much music, books, and movies there! I ended up getting some sheet music, "City of Bones", and "A Walk To Remember". I also ran into one of the daycare teachers that I had when I was in elementary school! It was a totally awkward, yet awesome encounter.
After going to the bookstore, we rushed back home so that I could take the car and meet up with some friends. It was extremely difficult driving down to meet them, considering that I had no idea where I was going. I had to call them and have them navigate me to their location, but I got there! It was fine! We got frozen yogurt and chatted. I haven't seen them in a while, so it was really nice to catch up with them. It's nice to have friends who you can still be friends with, even without seeing them for a while.
Once we finished hanging out, it was dinner time, so I struggled in driving to meet my mom, sister, and her friend for dinner. Sometimes, driving is the most stressful thing in the world! We went to a cafeteria that was one of our favorites for a while, but we haven't been to in a while. For those of your wondering, I got chicken dumplings, fried okra, broccoli, and sweet tea. I'm a semi southern girl, y'all. After dinner, my sister and her friend wanted me to drive them to Starbucks, so I took them, but I didn't get anything. I did, however, leave a tip for the barista by stretching my arm as far out as I possibly could out of the car window to reach the tip box. I almost fell out.
Following our trip to Starbucks, I dropped my sister's friend off at her house and talked to her family (friends of ours) for a bit. Then my sister and I drove back home. For the rest of the night, up until now, I was watching Ramin Karimloo's vlog on the Broadway.com channel on YouTube. He's seriously so adorable. I will leave a link to this video right here. I love Ramin so much!
I hope you enjoyed this uber long post of my day, today. I apologize if it's grammatically incorrect in some places. It's nighttime, y'all. I will chat with you later!
-Love Ling
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
My Day!
Hello, friends! Here's yet another installment of my "My Day" series. I hope you enjoy this extremely thrilling story of what I did today.
I woke up around 10, took a shower, and ate a slice of delicious egg strata for breakfast. After breakfast, I did my makeup and got ready for the day. My plan was to go to the mall with my mom and sister around 11, but I waited for about two hours for them to get up and get ready. In the meantime, I continued reading "Insurgent", played on my phone, and watched Phantom of the Opera on Netflix. You guys, I have an obsession with that show. It's pretty serious.
At about one o'clock, we left to go to the mall. My sister and I went off on our own to walk around the mall. We first got Chikfila, then commenced to shopping. I got to have a lot of awkward interaction with store clerks. In Forever 21, someone asked how I was doing and I was like, "Good! Hmdfwhfd". What the heck, me? Use your words! My sister ended up getting a couple shirts and hoodie. I got a bikini and a fabulous elephant kimono. It was a pretty successful shopping trip. By the way, Aerie is having an amazing sale right now: 40 percent off everything (except undies)! I didn't take advantage of the sale, but I sure regret that!
After the mall, I went with my mom and my grandma to Trader Joes to get some Cookie Butter. Have any of you guys tried that stuff? It's amazing. It's basically peanut butter mixed with ginger bread cookie crumbles. We bought three jars.
We got home around 5 and I just hung around until dinner. I played some piano, lounged around, and mindlessly ate coconut M&Ms. I don't even like coconut. For dinner, we went to Red Lobster, which was pretty nice. I got the Lobster Bisque which was, eh.
For the past couple of hours, I've been getting some work done and procrastinating. Exciting stuff. I hope you enjoyed this exhaustion-driven blog post. Check back for more posts to come!
-Love Ling
I woke up around 10, took a shower, and ate a slice of delicious egg strata for breakfast. After breakfast, I did my makeup and got ready for the day. My plan was to go to the mall with my mom and sister around 11, but I waited for about two hours for them to get up and get ready. In the meantime, I continued reading "Insurgent", played on my phone, and watched Phantom of the Opera on Netflix. You guys, I have an obsession with that show. It's pretty serious.
At about one o'clock, we left to go to the mall. My sister and I went off on our own to walk around the mall. We first got Chikfila, then commenced to shopping. I got to have a lot of awkward interaction with store clerks. In Forever 21, someone asked how I was doing and I was like, "Good! Hmdfwhfd". What the heck, me? Use your words! My sister ended up getting a couple shirts and hoodie. I got a bikini and a fabulous elephant kimono. It was a pretty successful shopping trip. By the way, Aerie is having an amazing sale right now: 40 percent off everything (except undies)! I didn't take advantage of the sale, but I sure regret that!
After the mall, I went with my mom and my grandma to Trader Joes to get some Cookie Butter. Have any of you guys tried that stuff? It's amazing. It's basically peanut butter mixed with ginger bread cookie crumbles. We bought three jars.
We got home around 5 and I just hung around until dinner. I played some piano, lounged around, and mindlessly ate coconut M&Ms. I don't even like coconut. For dinner, we went to Red Lobster, which was pretty nice. I got the Lobster Bisque which was, eh.
For the past couple of hours, I've been getting some work done and procrastinating. Exciting stuff. I hope you enjoyed this exhaustion-driven blog post. Check back for more posts to come!
-Love Ling
Friday, April 18, 2014
Springtime Clothing and Beauty Haul: Part 2
Hello, friends! A couple weeks ago, I posted a springtime clothing and beauty haul, promising that I would show you guys some of the other things I got in another post. Well, today's the day! I am going to be finishing up the haul. Here's a link to the other haul post if you haven't see it yet. Just click right here!
Disclamer: Am I trying to brag? No. Do I want to flaunt my purchases to make you feel bad? No. Now that that's settled, let's get into the haul!

Disclamer: Am I trying to brag? No. Do I want to flaunt my purchases to make you feel bad? No. Now that that's settled, let's get into the haul!
Bath and Body Works (Left to Right)
![]() |

- The first product I got is the Market Peach hand sanitizer. I'm almost out of hand sanitizer at home, and it was time for some new spring scents. As you can guess, it smells like peaches.
- The next product that I purchased is this room spray in the Garden Strawberries scent. I love this scent! It smells like strawberries mixed with sugar and is perfect for spring. I can't wait to have my room smell like this!
- Lastly, I got another hand sanitizer in Rainforest Sugarcane. I can't really describe the scent of this, other than it smells like a mix of cucumbers and fruit. It's a bit of a weird scent, but it smells pretty yummy!
- The first thing I got at Kohl's is this adorable peasant blouse. It's got a cute white embroidering at the top, and I am convinced that it's a gorgeous spring staple.
- The next thing I purchased is this tribal-patterned maxi skirt. I have always wanted to try a maxi skirt, but I've been afraid that it would swallow up my 5'1 self. This is so not the case! Once I pull it up to the point where I'm not tripping over it, it makes me look über tall. I love this skirt, and it's so gorgeous.
- The last item from Kohl's is this oatmeal-colored sweater. This is essential for the spring time, especially with spring dresses. I love layering sweaters over dresses. It makes them slightly sweeter and also keeps you warm!
Forever 21
- I got this pajama set that has a top with a donut and shorts that have coffee and donuts on them. How perfect can you get? I love the pajama sets at F21, because not only are you getting pjs, but a wearable shirt, as well. Anyways! I think it's adorable, even if the message of the shirt isn't quite clear. "I donut breakfast"?
- The last item of this haul is this adorable kimono. It's black with little daisies all over it, and it's super baggy. This is perfect for dressing up or dressing down an outfit, while adding that bohemian flair.
Alrighty friends! That's my spring haul! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if you want any more of these kinds of posts. Feel free to email me, or leave comments below! Also, if you have a blogger account, be sure to subscribe so you can keep up with new posts! I try to post every couple of days. Have a great day!
-Love Ling
Thursday, April 17, 2014
What Music Have I Been Listening to Lately?
Hello, friends! Here is yet another installment of my favorite series on my blog: "What Music Have I Been Listening to Lately?". It changes all the time, every week, every day. There's a wide and I mean WIDE array of my jams. Let's take a look.
"Til I Hear You Sing" by Ramin Karimloo: I love talking about "The Phantom of the Opera" with you guys. It's one of my loves, even though it's quite scary. This song is from "Love Never Dies", the sequel to the first show. In the context of this song, the Phantom is basically singing about him missing the voice of the one he loves. It's such a heart breaking song, but Ramin sings it so beautifully. I love musical theatre music, and this song is so gorgeous. Who knew guys could hit a Bb?
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane: This song really just gets me in the mood for the day. It's really easy to listen to, and I'm pretty sure that it has the potential to be liked by everyone. A couple of my friends and I will actually be performing this song soon, but you'll get details about that in the future.
"Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose: Yes, this is from "Princess and the Frog". Anika has the most gorgeous voice and this song is really cute and uplifting. I definitely recommend it to all you Disney lovers out there.
"Part of Your World" by Sierra Boggess: Sierra Boggess has been my music/theatre/Broadway/opera obsession lately. This chick can SING. She's starred on Broadway multiple times, and I, of course, know her from Phantom of the Opera. She has also starred as Ariel in the Broadway version of "The Little Mermaid", and I love her version of "Part of Your World". It's been a love of mine lately.
As you can see, my music taste have been all over the place. I love spicing it up! I don't like to listen to one genre all the time- BORING. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I will talk to you guys later!
-Love Ling
"Til I Hear You Sing" by Ramin Karimloo: I love talking about "The Phantom of the Opera" with you guys. It's one of my loves, even though it's quite scary. This song is from "Love Never Dies", the sequel to the first show. In the context of this song, the Phantom is basically singing about him missing the voice of the one he loves. It's such a heart breaking song, but Ramin sings it so beautifully. I love musical theatre music, and this song is so gorgeous. Who knew guys could hit a Bb?
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane: This song really just gets me in the mood for the day. It's really easy to listen to, and I'm pretty sure that it has the potential to be liked by everyone. A couple of my friends and I will actually be performing this song soon, but you'll get details about that in the future.
"Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose: Yes, this is from "Princess and the Frog". Anika has the most gorgeous voice and this song is really cute and uplifting. I definitely recommend it to all you Disney lovers out there.
"Part of Your World" by Sierra Boggess: Sierra Boggess has been my music/theatre/Broadway/opera obsession lately. This chick can SING. She's starred on Broadway multiple times, and I, of course, know her from Phantom of the Opera. She has also starred as Ariel in the Broadway version of "The Little Mermaid", and I love her version of "Part of Your World". It's been a love of mine lately.
As you can see, my music taste have been all over the place. I love spicing it up! I don't like to listen to one genre all the time- BORING. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I will talk to you guys later!
-Love Ling
I Heart Spring Tag!
Hello, friends! Finally! My spring break has come! Life has been incredibly stressful lately, and I'm so looking forward for a break. You guys know about my love for spring, and I thought I would add to that love by doing this tag created by Missglamorazzi on YouTube. Let's get to the questions!
1. Favorite spring nail polish?
I would have to say that my favorite spring nail polish is China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy. It's such a gorgeous neon, coral color and it really pops against my skin!
2. What is your must-have lip color this spring?
I'm not really that into lip colors. It feels like too much to me, so I just like to stick to chapsticks. However, I am particularly partial to the Rose Bud Lip Salve. It's super moisturizing and smells amazing.
3. Show us your favorite spring dress!
I have so many dresses, it's hard to choose! I think I'm actually going to go with a skirt for this question. I love this maxi skirt that I got from Kohl's. It's so comfy and makes me look a lot taller.
4. What's your favorite flower?
I love daisies and sunflowers.
5. Favorite spring scarf/accessory?
I absolutely love anything floral for spring. I have a ton of gorgeous flower scarves, but I couldn't possibly show all of them! I really like this kimono I got from Forever 21. You get that girly floral pattern, but it's also very Bohemian.
6. What spring trend(s) are you most excited about this year? (Makeup, fashion or both!)
I love the colored eyeliner trend. A pop of purple or blue on the lower lash line is a bold, yet not wild way of adding a bit of fun to your makeup look. Personally, I love wearing dark purple liner. I also really like coral cheeks. They make the face look so fresh and youthful. As far as fashion goes, I love the bohemian trend that's going on. It's so comfy, easy going, but cute at the same time.
7. Favorite spring candle?
I don't really burn candles, but I have this room spray that smells amazing. It's from Bath and Body Works and it's called "Garden Strawberries". It literally smells like strawberry syrup and makes my room smell like a strawberry patch. Yum!
8. Favorite body spray/perfume for spring?
Marc Jacobs' Daisy Eu So Fresh is my favorite perfume right now. Not only is the packaging beautiful, but it's light, fresh, and has a gorgeous floral scent.
9. What is spring like where you live?
It's typically warm and sunny, but sometimes Mother Nature likes to mix it up and make it like 30 degrees. It's crazy.
10. What's your favorite thing about spring?
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather. After many months of winter, I'm tired of being cooped up in the house. I love going outside and sitting in the sun, no jacket needed.
11. Are you a spring cleaner?
I probably should do some cleaning, but alas, no.
12. Any plans for spring break or an upcoming vacation?
I'm going to be hanging out, getting some work done, and I'll also be going to Tennessee with my family. So fun!
I hope you enjoyed this tag!
-Love Ling

2. What is your must-have lip color this spring?

3. Show us your favorite spring dress!
I have so many dresses, it's hard to choose! I think I'm actually going to go with a skirt for this question. I love this maxi skirt that I got from Kohl's. It's so comfy and makes me look a lot taller.
4. What's your favorite flower?
I love daisies and sunflowers.
5. Favorite spring scarf/accessory?

6. What spring trend(s) are you most excited about this year? (Makeup, fashion or both!)
I love the colored eyeliner trend. A pop of purple or blue on the lower lash line is a bold, yet not wild way of adding a bit of fun to your makeup look. Personally, I love wearing dark purple liner. I also really like coral cheeks. They make the face look so fresh and youthful. As far as fashion goes, I love the bohemian trend that's going on. It's so comfy, easy going, but cute at the same time.
7. Favorite spring candle?

8. Favorite body spray/perfume for spring?

9. What is spring like where you live?
It's typically warm and sunny, but sometimes Mother Nature likes to mix it up and make it like 30 degrees. It's crazy.
10. What's your favorite thing about spring?
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather. After many months of winter, I'm tired of being cooped up in the house. I love going outside and sitting in the sun, no jacket needed.
11. Are you a spring cleaner?
I probably should do some cleaning, but alas, no.
12. Any plans for spring break or an upcoming vacation?
I'm going to be hanging out, getting some work done, and I'll also be going to Tennessee with my family. So fun!
I hope you enjoyed this tag!
-Love Ling
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
My Obsessions This Week
Hello, friends! I know that I always have my monthly favorites, but this post is a bit of a Bonus-Jonus! I really just had a really amazing week, and I would like to celebrate it by telling you guys some of the things I've been loving!
Maybelline the Falsies Mascara: I have used this mascara everyday this week! I've just become absolutely obsessed with it. It flares out my lashes, makes them super long, and just gorgeous. It's one of the best mascaras I have ever tried.
Loreal Super Blendable Crayon Concealer: I love how fast and easy this concealer is. I can just swipe it on, blend it, and I'm good! My skin has been a lot less oily this week, and this concealer keeps up the great coverage throughout the day.
Loreal Mineral Foundation: This product has always been very wishy-washy for me. Sometimes I'll love it, sometimes I'll go without it for a bit. It really just depends on the condition of my skin. This week, I'm loving it! It's got light coverage, blends really nicely, and is great for setting my concealer. My skin has just been being really nice to me, so there's really no need for me to wear anything heavier than this power duo.
Biore Charcoal Cleanser: I think the reason my skin has been so happy is because of this cleanser. It cleans my skin really nicely and feels very invigorating. I'm so glad that I picked this up. I will post the link for my review of this cleanser right here. Go check it out!
Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo: I just bought this a couple days ago, and I'm so glad I did. It does an amazing job of getting rid of any grease in my hair and gives it amazing volume. I definitely recommend it.
"Til I Hear You Sing" from Love Never Dies: You guys know about my Phantom of the Opera obsession. "Love Never Dies" is the sequel to this show, and I have bee infatuated with this song. It's sung by Ramin Karimloo, and it's absolutely gorgeous. If you're into the opera/musical theatre style, I definitely recommend it. It's so beautiful, sometimes I get a bit emotional.
Disney Music: I have had my Disney Pandora station on all week long! I am a huge Disney fan, and this just makes me really happy.
Sheo: Shailene Woodley and Theo James are so adorable! I love watching their interviews together. They should totally date. I love them.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know some of your favorites!
-Love Ling
Maybelline the Falsies Mascara: I have used this mascara everyday this week! I've just become absolutely obsessed with it. It flares out my lashes, makes them super long, and just gorgeous. It's one of the best mascaras I have ever tried.
Loreal Super Blendable Crayon Concealer: I love how fast and easy this concealer is. I can just swipe it on, blend it, and I'm good! My skin has been a lot less oily this week, and this concealer keeps up the great coverage throughout the day.
Loreal Mineral Foundation: This product has always been very wishy-washy for me. Sometimes I'll love it, sometimes I'll go without it for a bit. It really just depends on the condition of my skin. This week, I'm loving it! It's got light coverage, blends really nicely, and is great for setting my concealer. My skin has just been being really nice to me, so there's really no need for me to wear anything heavier than this power duo.
Biore Charcoal Cleanser: I think the reason my skin has been so happy is because of this cleanser. It cleans my skin really nicely and feels very invigorating. I'm so glad that I picked this up. I will post the link for my review of this cleanser right here. Go check it out!
Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo: I just bought this a couple days ago, and I'm so glad I did. It does an amazing job of getting rid of any grease in my hair and gives it amazing volume. I definitely recommend it.
"Til I Hear You Sing" from Love Never Dies: You guys know about my Phantom of the Opera obsession. "Love Never Dies" is the sequel to this show, and I have bee infatuated with this song. It's sung by Ramin Karimloo, and it's absolutely gorgeous. If you're into the opera/musical theatre style, I definitely recommend it. It's so beautiful, sometimes I get a bit emotional.
Disney Music: I have had my Disney Pandora station on all week long! I am a huge Disney fan, and this just makes me really happy.
Sheo: Shailene Woodley and Theo James are so adorable! I love watching their interviews together. They should totally date. I love them.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know some of your favorites!
-Love Ling
Friday, April 11, 2014
Always Sleepy?
Hello, friends! I hope you're having an amazing Friday! It's time for the weekend, babes! Tell me, do you have any fun weekend plans? On Saturday, I am volunteering at a local 5k (I'M SO EXCITED) and shall be working prom in the evening. I am stoked! Today's post is a bit of a rant post, but it's okay because we all have our pet peeves. I just hope that it inspires you.
I don't know about you, but I love to stay busy. I'm always super happy when I always have something fun to do! I consider myself to be an energizer bunny. I'm constantly on the go, constantly high energy. I honestly don't know where it comes from. I find that I always have a hard time understanding other people when they talk about sleep. All they talk about is sleep. I must say, that it really annoys me. When I ask someone what they like to do and they just say "sleep", I'm totally thrown off. It just bothers me when people's main concern is just sleeping! How can you enjoy it when you're not fully conscious? It really is just a drag to be around someone who is tired all the time and who has no other ambition other than resting.
I think that people, especially teenagers, need to pep it up, get some sleep and enjoy life! There's a beautiful world out there, don't bring every one else down with your lack of energy! Even if you are a bit sleepy, don't be rude. Don't zone out when someone else is talking to you. It doesn't matter how tired you are, or what mood you're in. Do not let your mood or physical condition prevent you from being a good person.
I hope this didn't throw you off too much! I just needed to make it aware that this is a problem! I know that I'm high energy, but still. If you need a bit of pep in your step, here's a link to my latest recipe, a Caramel Frap that you can make at home! (Recipe) Enjoy your weekend! Expect some posts from me!
-Love Ling
I don't know about you, but I love to stay busy. I'm always super happy when I always have something fun to do! I consider myself to be an energizer bunny. I'm constantly on the go, constantly high energy. I honestly don't know where it comes from. I find that I always have a hard time understanding other people when they talk about sleep. All they talk about is sleep. I must say, that it really annoys me. When I ask someone what they like to do and they just say "sleep", I'm totally thrown off. It just bothers me when people's main concern is just sleeping! How can you enjoy it when you're not fully conscious? It really is just a drag to be around someone who is tired all the time and who has no other ambition other than resting.
I think that people, especially teenagers, need to pep it up, get some sleep and enjoy life! There's a beautiful world out there, don't bring every one else down with your lack of energy! Even if you are a bit sleepy, don't be rude. Don't zone out when someone else is talking to you. It doesn't matter how tired you are, or what mood you're in. Do not let your mood or physical condition prevent you from being a good person.
I hope this didn't throw you off too much! I just needed to make it aware that this is a problem! I know that I'm high energy, but still. If you need a bit of pep in your step, here's a link to my latest recipe, a Caramel Frap that you can make at home! (Recipe) Enjoy your weekend! Expect some posts from me!
-Love Ling
Thursday, April 10, 2014
DIY Caramel Frap
Hello, friends! My, my this has been a busy week!Luckily, the weekend is fast approaching. Let's just get through Friday, folks, then we're home free! To get you through that home stretch, I have a recipe for you today! How many of you like Starbucks, or just coffee shops, in general? I happen to adore them, and one of my favorite drinks are the Caramel Fraps. They're dessert mixed with caffeine, love it! I actually have a really great recipe for you guys that will allow you to make one for yourself, without having the hassle of going out and getting a frap yourself. This will not only save you time, but also money! Here's how to make it:
Serves 2 Medium Drink Sizes
Serves 2 Medium Drink Sizes

- 1/2 C cold coffee
- 2 TB Torani Caramel Syrup
- 2 TB Sugar
- 1/2 C Milk
- 2 C Ice
- Whipped Cream (optional, but totally not)
- Go ahead and make yourself a good ole cup o' Joe. In order for this recipe to work, the coffee needs to be chilled. You can do this either by refrigerating it or mixing the hot coffee with some ice.
- Combine the chilled coffee, milk, sugar (to taste), caramel syrup (only $5 for a bottle), and ice in a blender and blend until all the ice chunks are gone.
- Then, just pour it into a cup, top with whipped cream and sip!
I hope you enjoyed this recipe! It's super easy and delicious! If you have any other requests for drink recipes, let me know!
-Love Ling
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Elements of Beauty: Patience
Hello, friends! I hope you are all doing well today! I know! I know! I haven't posted in DAYS! So bad! I'm sorry! I'm going to try and get back on track, because you deserve better. As you all know, or might know, this is a beauty blog. Yes, I talk about the products and my monthly favorites, but the most important aspect of beauty isn't physical. I try my very hardest to make sure you know that how you look doesn't determine your beauty. This is a very important concept to me, and I want to reiterate it a few times more. Like I said, beauty doesn't come from foundation or bronzer, it comes from who you are. Today, I'm going to talk to you about elements of beauty that aren't products. They're traits. I'm going to be talking about the importance of trying to maintain these traits, because I believe that they're so much more important than makeup. Today's lesson: Patience.
We are constantly on the go. We always want to keep moving, going, moving, like energizer bunnies. A lot of times, our need to do things fast and right away interfere with the way we treat others. I know it's hard to have patience when something/someone is really just getting on your last nerve. Maybe you're trying to teach someone something and they're just not getting it. Perhaps you are waiting in line at a store and the people in front of you are being rude. I've been in these situations before and it's all you can do not to snap. My message to you is to be patient. Take a deep breath, enjoy the imperfections of the moment. When I'm running low on patience, I just try to think positively and chance my perspective. It's difficult at times, but I feel better knowing I have control over how I perceive things.
I think patience is a wonderful trait that we should all try to possess. There's beauty in it. Seeing someone keep their cool when they're in a stressful environment makes them more attractive than any beauty product. So, friends, be patient and let the good times come to you.
-Love Ling
Sunday, April 6, 2014
My Weekend
Hello, friends! It's almost Monday, which means we have to say goodbye to the weekend. What a sad thing. I must tell you that I don't want to give up days where I don't have to get up early or work too hard. I guess that's just a part of life. Oh well! Let's take a look into what I did this weekend:
Friday: I basically hung around all afternoon and evening. I did a bit of computer stuff, got McDonald's coffee (obsession) and went out to dinner with my dad. If you were wondering what I got, I got spaghetti. It was delicious. Friday was basically a chill day.
Saturday: Saturday was GORGEOUS. The sun was shining and it was warm, ah! I love it! I did a bit of work outside and then my friend called me up to go for an impromptu trip to the mall, where we got Double Doozies from Great American Cookie. If you've never had one before, it's basically large cookie sandwich with frosting in the middle. Though my abs complained, I didn't it was delicious.
After getting back from the mall, I hung out around the house a bit and had dinner with my family. They decided that they wanted to see Divergent, so I called up my bestie, Savannah to go see it. I might have called her up 30 minutes before the movie started...oh well! It was a great time, and that movie is fantastic! If you haven't seen it, you definitely need to!
Tell me, which faction would you be in? I think I'd be Amity or Dauntless (ha), or maybe Divergent. Let me know!
Sunday: On Sunday, I had a lot of responsibilities at church. Savannah and I had to help the children's choir with their music, set up communion, and host a sunday school class. It was quite busy! After words, Sav and my family and I all went out to get Pho at a local Vietnamese restaurant. It was Savannah's first time having it, and watching her figure out how to eat it was interesting. If you haven't had pho, it's basically a bowl of beef broth, vegetables, long noodles, and any meat you want. It's absolutely delicious, and I recommend it. After lunch, me and Savannah went thrifting at the local Goodwill. I don't know why, but Goodwill always makes me want to take a shower, afterwards. We found some cool stuff, though! Savannah ended up getting these adorable red heels and I got a $1 Nicholas Sparks book. Hazaa!
After thrifting, we came back to my house to hang out and watch Anything Goes on my laptop. It was pretty weird seeing myself on stage, but it was a nice trip down memory lane. Of course, being the people we were, we got coffee. You guys know about my obsession with McDonald's coffee. The frappes are the best! I got caramel this time, and I have to say, I was impressed. After a quick trip to CVS, we drew our hangout sesh to a close. That was the majority of Sunday (today), other than doing some more work and taking a shower.
I hope you enjoyed the thrilling adventures of my weekend. Have a great week!
Here's a link to Savannah's blog! Show her some love!
Savannah's Blog
-Love Ling
Friday: I basically hung around all afternoon and evening. I did a bit of computer stuff, got McDonald's coffee (obsession) and went out to dinner with my dad. If you were wondering what I got, I got spaghetti. It was delicious. Friday was basically a chill day.

After getting back from the mall, I hung out around the house a bit and had dinner with my family. They decided that they wanted to see Divergent, so I called up my bestie, Savannah to go see it. I might have called her up 30 minutes before the movie started...oh well! It was a great time, and that movie is fantastic! If you haven't seen it, you definitely need to!
Tell me, which faction would you be in? I think I'd be Amity or Dauntless (ha), or maybe Divergent. Let me know!
After thrifting, we came back to my house to hang out and watch Anything Goes on my laptop. It was pretty weird seeing myself on stage, but it was a nice trip down memory lane. Of course, being the people we were, we got coffee. You guys know about my obsession with McDonald's coffee. The frappes are the best! I got caramel this time, and I have to say, I was impressed. After a quick trip to CVS, we drew our hangout sesh to a close. That was the majority of Sunday (today), other than doing some more work and taking a shower.
I hope you enjoyed the thrilling adventures of my weekend. Have a great week!
Here's a link to Savannah's blog! Show her some love!
Savannah's Blog
-Love Ling
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Spring Time Clothing and Beauty Haul: Part 1
Hello, friends! Who doesn't love the spring time? I love all the fun, bright colors and for my wardrobe to reflect this season. I recently took a couple shopping trips, and I would like to share my purchases with you. Know that I'm not trying to brag, I just want to inform you on the items currently in stores, so maybe you'll be inspired to jump on the spring clothing board!
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So the first thing I got is a moisturizer by Boots. It claims to be for sensitive skin. Based on what I've tried so far, it's pretty moisturizing, but border line greasy. |
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I got a pair of black ballet flats, because I totally had to chunk my 3 year pair in the garbage. It was time for a change. |
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I've heard rave reviews about this Tresemmé heat protectant. I love that it has a fancy spray bottle, so I know that my hair will be evenly misted. It's also supposed to be very protecting. |
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This Garnier Fructis Leave in Conditioner looked very interesting to me. I like that it comes out into a foamy consistency, so I am moisturizing my hair without weighing it down. |
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As you guys know, my skin is very oily. Because of this, I picked up the Boots Shine Control Lotion. It claims to hydrate the skin while absorbing the excess oils. |
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This body wash smells so good! It comes in a huge tube and smells like all things fruit and deliciousness. Who knew Herbel Essences could design such great body washes? |
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You guys, I had to get a gold pair. I'm not a hoarder, but I must say that my nude flats were slowly but surely getting close to the dumpster. |
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
March Beauty Favorites
Hello, friends! Now that the month of March is coming to a close, it is time to reflect on the beauty products that I have been loving this month. I don't have too too many makeup items that I have been loving, because I kept it pretty simple this month. Anyways! Here they are!

Boots Expert Shine Control Moisterizer: I just recently bought this moisturizer, and I have to say that I quite love it. My skin is really oily, and this product hydrates my skin, but absorbs the excess oil on my face. It's perfect for the morning before I do my makeup. It's like a primer/moisturizer in one!
Herbal Essences Body Wash: I will never buy BBW body washes again. This scent is so amazing. It smells like fruit. Straight up fruit and sugar. Who wouldn't want to shower in this? Honestly, you just need to smell this for yourself, and while you're at it, smell the rest of the Herbal Essences body wash line. They come in really big bottles, smell great, and are cheaaaap. Unfortunately, the scent doesn't linger as much as I'd like, but oh well!
Loreal Crayon Concealer: I am resurrecting a new favorite in this concealer. I love that it's in a stick form, so it's super fast for quick makeup. I can just color it on my face, smear it all around and be done. Plus, it has really great coverage!

Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream: I've really just been into really light, natural makeup this month. When I want a quick, no fuss product, I always reach for this BB cream. It is very moisturizing, has light coverage, and covers up the majority of my blemishes. This BB cream also just feels good on my skin. I don't feel like I'm being weighed down by any heavy foundations.

Rose Bud Lip Salve: I got this at Sephora last year, and I still haven't hit pan! This thing is meant to last! Basically, the Rose Bud Lip Salve is a product that can be used for many purposes, but I prefer to use it as a lip balm. It's very moisturizing, smells like roses, and gives a slight rosy sheen to the lips. It's a must for my beauty collection.

Revealed Palette (again!): It's no secret that I love the "Revealed Palette". The colors are beautiful and I can create so many different looks! I will post a link of my Revealed Palette review below, so you can check it out.
Mint and Lemon Face Mask: I bought this mask on a whim, and I have to say that I have no regrets. I just squeeze this out of the tube, smear it all over my face, wash it off, and my face is left baby-butt smooth. I'd like to think that it's helping my skin, but I don't quite know yet. All I know is that it's something that I've used quid often this month.
Benefit "They're Real!" Mascara: This mascara is perfect. It makes my lashes so voluminous, doesn't clump, and always gets the job done! It's made a world of a difference in my makeup routine.
I forgot to add this in my March Non-Beauty Favorites, but I've been loving listening to the "Sleep Station" on Pandora. I listen to it every night before I go to sleep. This station consists of a lot of really cool, chill music that's perfect before bed, but you can also listen to it during the day! It's a great way to wind down.
March literally just flew by for me! Since I've been so busy with the musical, there were no slow moments! March was a really great month full of friends, family, and amazing experiences. I hope you enjoyed yours, and if you didn't, I hope your April will be fantastic!
-Love Ling

Boots Expert Shine Control Moisterizer: I just recently bought this moisturizer, and I have to say that I quite love it. My skin is really oily, and this product hydrates my skin, but absorbs the excess oil on my face. It's perfect for the morning before I do my makeup. It's like a primer/moisturizer in one!

Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream: I've really just been into really light, natural makeup this month. When I want a quick, no fuss product, I always reach for this BB cream. It is very moisturizing, has light coverage, and covers up the majority of my blemishes. This BB cream also just feels good on my skin. I don't feel like I'm being weighed down by any heavy foundations.

Rose Bud Lip Salve: I got this at Sephora last year, and I still haven't hit pan! This thing is meant to last! Basically, the Rose Bud Lip Salve is a product that can be used for many purposes, but I prefer to use it as a lip balm. It's very moisturizing, smells like roses, and gives a slight rosy sheen to the lips. It's a must for my beauty collection.

Revealed Palette (again!): It's no secret that I love the "Revealed Palette". The colors are beautiful and I can create so many different looks! I will post a link of my Revealed Palette review below, so you can check it out.
Mint and Lemon Face Mask: I bought this mask on a whim, and I have to say that I have no regrets. I just squeeze this out of the tube, smear it all over my face, wash it off, and my face is left baby-butt smooth. I'd like to think that it's helping my skin, but I don't quite know yet. All I know is that it's something that I've used quid often this month.

I forgot to add this in my March Non-Beauty Favorites, but I've been loving listening to the "Sleep Station" on Pandora. I listen to it every night before I go to sleep. This station consists of a lot of really cool, chill music that's perfect before bed, but you can also listen to it during the day! It's a great way to wind down.
March literally just flew by for me! Since I've been so busy with the musical, there were no slow moments! March was a really great month full of friends, family, and amazing experiences. I hope you enjoyed yours, and if you didn't, I hope your April will be fantastic!
-Love Ling
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