
Hello, friends! I am coming to you today with a problem. There are a lot of people in this world that want to tear you down. They want you to feel bad about yourself, so they'll tell you certain things about yourself that you don't want to hear, analyzing every movement that you do. Let me tell you, it sucks. Being judged all the time sucks. I should be able to dress the way I want, say what I want, and simply do the things I want without being questioned. How can you judge someone or criticize them when you're not perfect yourself? If you are not perfect, then you have no right to criticize someone for being who they are. Set your judgements aside, and accept the fact that not everyone is going to do what you want. People will be themselves, and if you're not okay with who they are, you need to do some soul searching. Friends, I tell you that judgement must come to an end. The times when I worry about what people think of me must come to an end. The times when I am criticized for the music I listen to must come to an end. The times when I am rebuked for the words that I say must come to an end. I ask that you put forth more love into the world and less hate. Let me tell you, it's about darn time that the negativity and crappiness ceases.
-Love Ling
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