Friday, January 9, 2015

Positive Attitude!

  Hello, friends! I'm sure you all have heard of the phrase "Negative Nellie". A "Negative Nellie" is someone who always finds the worst in things and anticipates negative outcomes. I find it really hard to be around people that are always down, because their attitude brings me down. I know that life happens and it can cause you to be bitter and sad, and that's okay. It's absolutely fine to have a sad moment, but don't let it control you. 
  I've been around people that just radiate negativity. They always expect the worst and have a hard time finding joy. Don't be that person! Life is a beautiful thing, despite the bad things that happen. It's important to have a positive mindset and work through a bad situation. Find the silver lining and use it to your advantage! 
  Try to make positivity your goal for this week. A lot of people are going back to school or work, which royally sucks. However, if you're one of those unfortunate people, try to go back with a positive mindset! What's the worst that can happen?
  Have an amazing week! Also be sure to go check out my bestie's blog! Do you remember "Yours Truly" blog? Well this blog is by the same author, except it's new and improved! She's amazing, so give her some love!  Here's the link right here. Tell her I sent you and subscribe! 

-Love Ling

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