- Phantom of the Opera: I discovered Phantom at the beginning of 2014 and I fell in love. The music is so good and I love the operatic quality. You guys know how much I love the music from this show!
- Love Never Dies: Along with Phantom, the sequel Love Never Dies was a year long favorite for me. I love LND's music and have sang along to it all year round.
- Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson: I discovered Jack Johnson early this year from my best friend, Savannah, and this song is simply my anthem. It's got a really chill vibe and always puts me in a good mood when I listen to it.
- Best Day Of My Life by American Authors: I just love this song! It's great to listen to in the morning to get the blood flowing and to energize. It's really upbeat and I have listened to it all year round!

- New Girl: How can I do a favorites post without mentioning New Girl? This show is absolutely hilarious and never fails to make me LOL. The characters in the show are so funny and I love how lighthearted it is.
- Carrie Diaries: This show is a spinoff of "Sex In The City", featuring Carrie Bradshaw as a teenager in the 80s. This show is really fun to watch! It's funny and witty, yet it has a lot of heart. The "Carrie Diaries" is definitely a 2014 favorite.
- Orange Is The New Black: This show is so amazing! It's about a woman who goes to prison for something she did ten years ago and the show follows her life in a women's prison. I love learning about the stories of all the different characters in the show, as well as following the drama that goes down. I definitely recommend watching OITNB.
- Cry Baby: I discovered this movie early this year and fell in love. It's a spoof of Grease, starring Johnny Depp (my favorite). The movie is so funny and has a lot of great music in it! I love it!
- Phantom Of The Opera: Duh! This is the movie of the year for me. For those of you who don't know what it's about, this movie/show takes place in 18th? century France in an opera house. It's about a young opera singer who is the object of desire from the opera's "phantom". The show is absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend seeing it! Look up the version on Netflix!

- Divergent by Veronica Roth: I read this book this year and I really loved it! It's about a utopian society in which the society is divided into factions based on personality traits. If you haven't read this book yet, where have you been? Read it!
- Looking For Alaska by John Green : I read this book over the summer and I really enjoyed it! It's a nice, light read but it's written by the genius of John Green, so you can expect depth. It's about this guy who goes to a summer camp/ boarding school and meets very interesting friends along the way. Love this book!
YouTube Channels
- Ingrid Nilsen/Missglamorazzi: Ingrid is my favorite YouTuber of all time! She's so sweet and fun to watch! She has really grown this year, in her style and life. I really look up to her and think she's amazing.
- Here's the link to her channel:
- Blogilates: Blogilates is a YouTube Channel created by Cassey Ho, who is a pilates fitness instructor. I do her videos to keep in shape, and she definitely kicks your butt! However, I really enjoy doing her workout videos because she makes them really fun and entertaining! Definitely check her out!
- Here's the link to her channel:
- Sacconejolys: I love the Sacconejolys! They're a family who live in England who do blogs every single day. The family is comprised of Anna and Jonathan (the parents) and their two kids, Emilia and Eduardo. Their videos never fail to make me smile and I love watching their daily adventures!
- Here's the link to their channel:
- Pho: I discovered Pho this year, and I absolutely love it. Pho (fuh) is a Vietnamese dish that is basically a soup. It has noodles, vegetables, and meat all in this delicious broth! Let me tell you, I am addicted! Try it!

Alright, guys! I hope you enjoyed this blog post! 2014 was a really great year, and I can't believe how quickly it flew by! I hope you had a great year and that 2015 will be even better! Love you!
-Love Ling
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